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3 Simple Tips for Writing Search Engine Friendly Articles – SEO Articles

How to write good SEO friendly articles?

Due to the demand in building links to a website, SEO article writing has become a very powerful tool in the internet world. They will all write articles based on the areas in which they are specialized. But they fail to write a search engine friendly article. To write an article, you must have technical writing skills like an SEO copywriter. So, below are some tips that will be helpful in writing articles yourself.

1. Ideal and unique title

As we said before, there are a lot of articles on the internet and if you want your article to stand out, you should try a unique title that resembles a search engine friendly article. Also, the title should be short and catchy for the readers and make them read the rest of the article. The user should get a rough image of your article just by looking at the title of your post.

The ideal length of the title should be 6-8 words, because search engines will show only the first 8-10 words and hide the remaining words. Just do some research on your topic and see what keywords people are using for your title. Try to be creative and unique. Search for the title as your keyword in the search engines. If someone is already using your title, modify it by adding or removing a few words.

Ex: The title “How to write an SEO Friendly article?” It’s what a lot of people use. Now, just add a few words before or after without altering the topic of the article. Say it like “7 Steps to Writing an SEO Friendly Article” that others can’t use. This should be the title of a Search Engine Friendly article.

Note: Check the title in the search results before choosing. Always use the keywords you are targeting in the title tag for better visibility.

2. Body of the article:

This is the actual area that should be made as a search engine friendly article. First, do some quick research on what keywords to use and write it down. Keyword suggestion tools like Google AdWords Keyword Tool, Wordtracker Tool will be very helpful in deciding which keyword has enough search results to target.

Keywords are very important for search engines to find your article and are also used as a link to your site. [which we say as back links]. The suggested keywords are 5-6 for a 500 word article, that is, ratios of 2-4%. Don’t overload keywords beyond the suggested ratio, which is called “keyword stuffing” and doesn’t appear to be a search engine friendly article. Google or other search engines consider these keyword-filled articles as spam and remove your site from indexing. Be careful when using keywords. Also, provide descriptions for shortcuts like SEO like search engine optimization, SEM like search engine marketing, etc. That is why not everyone knows the derivations and abbreviations. Also, read other blogs in your niche to get some fresh ideas.

Pay attention to the length of the article. 400-800 words is a good length for a search engine friendly article. Always remember, the user will not study your article completely, if it is very large. Try to be creative and descriptive. Using internal article links is a very good search engine optimization (SEO) technique.

Note: If you use more keywords in your article, the user is annoyed and moves to a different site. Our first motto should be ease of use. Therefore, always write for readers, not search engines.

3. Test reading:

The review is the most important part that most people neglect. Nobody is perfect in this world. Our articles are not any restriction for this. Proofreading allows us to check for errors in our articles, such as misspellings, grammatical errors, and some repeated words or sentences that will mess up our article. Each article should have given some time to check for errors that occurred during writing.

Note: When preparing a timeline for writing an article, remember to include some time for proofreading, which will enhance the professionalism of the article.

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