dog walking etiquette

There are no specific guidelines or rules for how you should walk your dog. But similar to how you should behave in a public setting, there is dog walking etiquette. So here are a couple of things you should and/or shouldn’t do while he’s taking his date along. Control your pet. There are different levels of control that you can […]

The rule book for bulking up

Getting bigger can be a challenging and time-consuming process, and in my opinion, it’s even more difficult than losing weight. Getting jacked up (aka weight gain) through a bulking phase means eating a LOT of food, all the time. I have compiled a list of tips to help you bulk up effectively and gain as much muscle as possible without […]

Do you want more mass, power and muscle in your chest? That’s how you get it

Adding shape and muscle to your chest means that you develop your pecs to display a well-defined muscular quality. If you have read some of my other articles on muscle definition, you know that there is a big difference between indefinite muscle quality and well defined muscle quality. If you don’t understand this difference, first visualize the thick but shapeless […]

How to get the most out of your solar phone charger

Investing in a solar phone charger can be a fantastic idea for many people, from those looking for a greener way to power their devices to those traveling abroad in sunny climates where there isn’t always access to mains electricity. Although solar power technology has improved a lot in recent years, it’s still important to follow some essential tips before […]