Reverse phone lookup for mobile phone numbers

Every day almost everyone needs to use reverse lookup services to locate someone. But now that we all use cell phones or mobiles a lot, having a landline has become a big question mark in most homes. With this being the case, it has become difficult and daunting to search for someone with a mobile phone number. Although it is […]

5 ways to lose 8 ounces a day

What if I told you to join a top weight loss program and gave you false expectations? Lose 30 pounds in 30 days. That’s a pound a day, what if after the first week you’ve only lost 2 pounds? Maybe you were busy and couldn’t make all the meal suggestions, maybe they were asking you for a lot of money […]

How much storage do you need in your kitchen?

It’s time to remodel your kitchen and if you’re like most people, you want your new kitchen to look beautiful but also to function properly. You’ve probably thought about what kind of cabinets, countertops, flooring, lighting, and appliances you want, but this is just the starting point. In order to have a well-designed kitchen that meets the needs of your […]

KPIs and bonus KPI usage

Many companies and organizations are increasingly using key performance indicators (KPIs) to track various aspects of organizational performance. One particular application involves bonus KPIs, which are the key performance indicators that determine whether or not an individual employee is eligible for a bonus. First of all, though, what exactly are these so-called key performance indicators? For the term itself alone, […]

Taking a look at a Puerto Rican Christmas

Christmas holidays are near and people in different parts of the world will have their own way of celebrating. The Puerto Rican version of Christmas is known as Navidad. This is Christmas Day-December 25 where Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus. It is believed that Santa Claus will bring gifts to children, a custom that originated in the US back […]

How does food affect your metabolism?

Eating right will increase your metabolism Eating the right foods will make more energy available for a more energetic lifestyle. Bad foods will lower your metabolism and leave you feeling exhausted and hungry, while at the same time your body will store fat. The higher your metabolism, the faster you will burn body fat. Increasing your metabolic rate by eating […]