5 Benefits of Tinting Your Car Windows

In 2018, there were reports of more than 700,000 vehicle theft incidents. In general, vehicles that have something valuable inside them are more likely to be broken into. But there must be a way to prevent these incidents. In this article, we are going to talk about the importance of window tinting. We will shed some light on the benefits […]

Will courage make you a great leader?

If you lack courage, does that mean you will never be a great leader? In the US, common sense seems to say that courage is a deep part of being a great leader. As a result, aspiring leaders are dedicated to proving their bravery to the world. However, when you look at many of the most effective leaders, it may […]

History of Salsa Salsa – The Mexican Connection

The history of Salsa sauce originated with the Inca people. The sauce (combination of chili peppers, tomatoes and other spices) dates back to the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas. The Spanish first encountered tomatoes after the conquest of Mexico in 1519-1521, which marked the beginning of the history of Salsa sauce. Aztec lords combined tomatoes with chili peppers, ground pumpkin seeds, […]

Speak the speech, I beg you

Long before commentators and newscasters proliferated on the airwaves with multiple superfluous inserts in every sentence, or began a comment with “So,” educators promoted Shakespeare’s plea to “speak the speech mind-bogglingly in the language” through elocution classes. They heralded the ability to communicate in grammatically correct sentences without hesitation with proper inflection, pronunciation, and subject knowledge as paramount to one’s […]

4 steps to overcome your horse’s fear of other horses

Does your equine partner feel threatened by other horses in the competition warm-up arenas? Does he jump sideways when a horse gets too close, or does he threaten to rear up, and even succeed, like mine did? Perhaps he is new to presenting or is overwhelmed by busy crowds because he is used to working alone? Maybe he’s just claustrophobic. […]

Change Houses Successfully – My Strategy

This is my strategy for trading houses successfully. Focuses on slow and steady growth while providing experience and an understanding of the industry. Flipping the turtle house As the subtitle suggests, my method of flipping houses is slow and steady. It is designed to accomplish three goals: first, to make money relatively quickly; two, provide him with the house of […]

iSAFE Backpacks and Bags: The Only Backpack With a Built-in Mobile Personal Security Alarm – A Review

I have been convinced of the effectiveness of personal protection products since September 2008, but it was only in September of this year (2011) that I found out about the iSAFE Backpacks and Bags. In fact, I was surprised that I hadn’t thought of such a product before. After all, I know of various personal alarms in various formats: some […]

The 10 best sports movies of all time

There have been thousands of sports movies over the years. Some have been downright rubbish and most are mediocre at best, but there are a select few that remain deeply ingrained in our memories. Those movies not only invoke our passion for sports, but manage to pierce us and teach us greater life lessons. They teach us the importance of […]