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3 golden rules of astral projection

Astral projection tip #1: Protect yourself before you travel.

Out of body experiences can be amazing, but once in a while a person gets too excited and forgets to take the necessary precautions before leaving the body. I wouldn’t be too concerned about these negative experiences, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea to make sure his astral travels are as amazing as he can be.

So, before moving to the astral plane, try this: Imagine a large egg-shaped globe around you. Let the color of this egg be a brilliant yellow gold or pure white and imagine it covering it on all sides. Now imagine the radiant energy of the sun and begin to breathe that energy into this egg, filling it up. As the egg fills, allow the energy of the sun to cleanse you, empower you, and protect you from any negativity that may try to enter this field. Imagine that it absolutely protects you from anything that might try to harm you. Once the egg is full, take a breath and move on to the next step.

Astral Projection Tip #2: Harness the energy at the base of the spine.

This energy has many names and you’ve probably heard of them, but it doesn’t really matter what it is, just that it is a very powerful source of energy. So tap into that energy at the base of your spine and take a solid breath out of it and feel it permeate your physical and astral body. Try to actually feel the energy instead of imagining it in this example. Then move on to tip number three and cheer yourself up a bit, it’s almost time to astral travel!

Astral Projection Tip #3: Engage your intent to leave the body with total abandon and completely let yourself go.

This can be hard to understand, but when we start an action or motion, the planning time is over. The above and any other astral projection techniques, tips or guides you may use are mostly before the move, but once you start moving, that’s the only thing you need to focus on. Let go of secondary thoughts, doubts or fears, let go of the need to think about what you are doing and focus solely on what you are doing. Put your attention in the now. The best astral projection guide will often miss this astral travel tip and it amazes me because it’s incredibly helpful, but you can play with it and see for yourself. Enjoy your trip to the astral plane!

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