Health Fitness

3 Simple Fat Burning Exercises Anyone Can Do

Do you need to lose a few pounds of fat like many of us? I do it, and if it’s not easy, it just doesn’t happen. I’m pretty busy like everyone else, and healthy eating should be convenient and exercise should be convenient and easy too. We won’t talk much about food as that is not the focus of this article, although it is obviously important. Some quick tips are to pack a healthy and tasty lunch, avoid fast food when you can, and eat slower so your body realizes you’re full when you’re full, not 500 calories later because you’re eating so fast.

Of course you need to exercise to burn fat; just watching what you eat is not enough for ordinary humans. Sure, if you run marathons or are an Olympian or bike 300 miles a week, maybe you can gorge yourself and stay in shape, but that doesn’t describe you or me, does it? With that intro, here are three simple fat-burning exercises that almost anyone can do, though I suggest you consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

1) Walking. Yes, you can lose a lot of weight by walking. Ken, my fairly overweight co-worker, started walking 4-5 times a week at lunch. Although he started slowly, before long he was walking for a full hour. He didn’t look at the scale, but a year later he was much thinner. When he finally stepped on a scale, he had lost over 30 pounds, and here’s the catch. He likes to walk! He usually walks with friends, has great conversations, and likes the opportunity to get outdoors to take a break from work.

2) Climb stairs. I don’t particularly like climbing stairs, although I don’t mind. I usually skip the elevators and escalators to get some exercise. When I travel, I often go up the hotel stairs. If you’re on the 5th floor, there’s no major problem, although exercise matters. If you’re on the 26th floor like I was last week, if you manage to climb the stairs once or twice like I did, that’s great.

3) Resistance exercises, such as lifting weights, using machines or special elastic bands. These will burn calories/fat and build some muscle, and muscle is great at fighting fat. Muscle has the interesting attribute of burning calories even when you’re not working out!

A little exercise can make a big difference in your weight and overall health. If you’re not doing any exercise, you’re probably overweight!

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