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4 Powerful Ways to Maximize the Energy Benefits of D-Ribose

[An exclusive interview with George Foss, former general manager of Kayser Nutrition, southern California’s health food store chain to the wealthy and famous for 52 years. George has been called a “walking repository of nutritional supplement research knowledge,” and is a long-time consultant to the nutritional supplement industry. Featured on a variety of television and radio news broadcasts over the past 20 years, he is widely considered by west coast news media outlets to be the nutritional supplement industry’s “go to” guy on natural health topics.]

Steve Barwick: George, I understand that today you are going to reveal four simple yet very powerful ways to dramatically maximize the energy-boosting benefits of D-ribose. We’ll get to that in just a minute. But first, could you help us understand how D-ribose helps people regain youthful energy levels, particularly people suffering from age-related energy deficit disorders or disease-induced energy deficit disorders? ?

George Foss: Well, first of all, people with disease-induced energy deficit disorders, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus, AIDS, and many others, in they are actually being stripped of their vital energy by the disease process itself. In the case of chronic fatigue, it is believed that the Epstein Barr virus or some other pathogen, such as mycoplasmas, infiltrates and attacks the body’s cells. These pathogens severely impair the ability of cellular mitochondria to produce sufficient amounts of ATP. Of course, ATP is the main energy molecule in the body. Since literally hundreds of millions of cells can be damaged or compromised by an underlying infectious disease, the remaining undamaged cells are left with the task of trying to produce enough ATP to fuel the entire body. It’s like an eight-cylinder car that runs on only five or six cylinders. The body just gets weaker and weaker over time, because the damaged cells are functioning at excessively low levels, and the undamaged cells are being overcharged. The disease process spreads because the cells cannot produce enough energy to enable the body to fight it.

Fortunately, by supplying the body with D-ribose supplements (basically flooding the cells with the nutritional fuel they need to produce drastic levels of extra energy in the form of ATP), you can often “jump start” the body back into full gear. March. . The immune system gets the energy it needs to start functioning at peak levels again. The brain gets the energy it needs to direct the healing process. Neurons fire better, not just in the brain but throughout the nervous system, sending healing chemical and electronic messages throughout the body at lightning speeds. Synaptic transmission is restored to maximum function. There is even some evidence that cells damaged by pathogens start to recover when given the fuel they need to repair themselves. And finally, energy levels are fully restored and the body can exit the downward spiral caused by the underlying disease process.

Steve Barwick: What about age-related energy deficit disorders?

George Foss: Well, aging is, of course, a normal process. And there’s not much we can do about it except take care of our bodies by avoiding toxins and making sure we get the proper nutrition, hydration, and daily exercise our bodies need. However, even if we are very good at doing these things, we will inevitably suffer from lower energy levels as we age. In large part, this is because as we get older, our digestion doesn’t work as well. And without proper digestion, our bodies cannot extract the same levels of D-ribose from food as before. Therefore, there is less D-ribose to send to the mitochondria to convert into ATP. Because of this, we slowly start to lose energy as we age. When D-ribose is not extracted from the food we eat and delivered to cells in sufficient amounts to maintain normal, everyday bodily functions, we simply begin to slow down. And very commonly, fatigue and general malaise occur. But by supplementing with even small amounts of D-ribose, we can make up for much of that lost energy caused by the normal aging process. The bottom line is that if we can give cells what they need, in this case supplemental D-ribose, we can maintain a much higher level of daily energy than if we didn’t take supplements. This is why so many middle-aged and older people now supplement every morning with D-ribose.

Steve Barwick: Well, at 52, I know I use it. And frankly, I wouldn’t go a day without it. So, what are some of the best ways to take D-Ribose for its known energy-boosting benefits?

George Foss: Based on my experiences with clients over the last ten years, I would say that most healthy people who want to take D-ribose for a little extra energy usually need to take only one or two capsules per day by mouth. – usually with a little food. Each capsule must have a minimum of 700 mg. That way, if you take two capsules a day, you’re getting almost a gram and a half of D-ribose, which is a good dose for a relatively healthy person. However, if you suffer from any type of energy deficit disorder, you may need to take significantly more D-ribose or take it a little differently to maximize its energy-boosting benefits.

Steve Barwick: Are you saying that there are different ways to take D-ribose, to get more out of it?

George Foss: Yes, absolutely. Here are four powerful ways to maximize your energy-boosting benefits of D-ribose, without having to increase your dosage:

1.) Take it sublingually. This means you simply pour it from the capsule directly under your tongue and then swish it around inside your mouth so that it coats your cheeks and gums. Do this for several minutes. This allows the body to absorb much of the D-ribose directly into the bloodstream through the rich network of veins found under the tongue and in the cheeks and gums, thereby bypassing the normal digestive process in which inevitably some of the D-ribose is lost. D-ribose is a carbohydrate, a complex form of sugar, so it tastes slightly sweet and is not unpleasant for most people. This little trick alone will help dramatically maximize the effectiveness of D-Ribose when you take it.

2.) Another way to maximize the energy-boosting benefits of D-ribose is to take it with a commercial liquid hydration formula, such as Gatorade. Because Gatorade is specifically designed to hydrate the body’s 7 trillion cells, mixing several 700 mg. Capsules’ worth of D-ribose in a glass before you drink it will help draw the D-ribose directly into your cells very quickly, resulting in a spectacular physical energy boost that simply cannot be achieved by taking D-ribose only with water or other liquids. However, insulin-dependent diabetics and hypoglycemics should only use this method under the guidance and supervision of a physician, and blood sugar should be closely monitored due to the sugars in Gatorade.

3.) You can also dramatically maximize your energy-boosting benefits of D-ribose by taking it with synergistic nutrients. D-ribose tends to significantly increase the body’s ability to effectively absorb and utilize other nutrients. When taking it with vitamins of group B, as a good formula “B-50”, that is, 50 mg. of each of the major B vitamins, you will maximize the beneficial effects of the vitamins by up to 100%. And the vitamins will dramatically extend the beneficial effects of D-ribose throughout the day. Other synergistic nutrients that can be taken with D-ribose for phenomenal energy-boosting benefits are Magnesium (200mg), Malic Acid (900mg), Iodine (200mcg), Selenium (200mcg), Tyrosine (500mg. ) and vitamin C (500 mg.), to name just a few. One of my favorite combinations is 700mg. of D-ribose taken with 1,000 mg. of chewable B-12 in the form of methylcobalamin.

4.) Finally, a very powerful way to maximize the energy-boosting benefits of D-ribose is to take it occasionally with an immune system booster like Beta-glucan. This is a little-known secret that I learned from several people with severe chronic fatigue, who used it to great effect whenever they needed to recover quickly from a debilitating chronic fatigue “crash.” Taken together, the synergy between D-ribose and beta-glucan appears to double or even triple the individual benefits of each supplement. Energy and clear thinking can often be restored within a couple of hours, even when the mental “fog” so common in chronic fatigue is severe. Also, immunity can be restored very quickly to higher pre-shock levels. And when taken for several days in a row, the uplifting physical and mental effects of this dynamic duo can last for days or weeks afterward. Some regular D-Ribose users have told me they simply take a “boost” using this nutrient combination once a week, to prevent further “attacks” of chronic fatigue. By the way, the best form of Beta-glucan for this technique is fully micronized Beta-1,3-1,6-glucan, available exclusively from a company in Liberty, Texas called Nutritional Supply Corporation at 1-888. -246-7224, extension 222. D-Ribose, of course, can be purchased from our good friends at The Silver Edge by calling 1-800-528-0559, or by visiting them online at http://www.thesilveredge. com

Steve Barwick: George, it’s been a real pleasure talking to you today. And it is always an eye-opening experience. We certainly appreciate the very interesting insights from him. Thank you for taking the time to visit us.

George Foss: Thank you, Steve. It has been a pleasure. For more detailed information on D-ribose, see the “Exclusive Nutritional Supplements” link at

Copyright 2007. Reproduction prohibited with the express written permission of the publisher. Life & Health Research Group, Inc., PO Box 1239, Peoria AZ 85380.

Important Notice: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and the materials and products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Self-treatment is not recommended. All healthcare decisions should be made under the guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable healthcare professional.

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