Digital Marketing

5 Ways to Create a Blog Title Slider File

Among thousands of blog posts that are published every day, how do people decide what to read? It may not be the only factor affecting people’s decision, but there’s a good chance that people will judge your post, and perhaps your blog, by its titles. A good headline grabs people’s attention, makes them look twice, and takes a few minutes for them to click through to read. A bad one… well, it doesn’t even register on the radar.

Blog titles are like the headlines of an advertisement, magazine, or newspaper. These publishers spend a fair amount of time crafting their headlines, and so should you. However, there is good news and bad news. The bad news is that writing headlines is not always an easy thing to learn. It takes practice.

The good news is that you can use the old strategy of creating a slip file. This is a collection of good titles and headlines that you come across. Even better, it costs you no money and very little time to start one. Here are 5 ways you can start building your archive.

Watch TV. The next time you watch the news on TV or your favorite shows, particularly types of documentaries. Pay attention to what they say before the commercial break so you stay tuned.

Re-tweets and links shared on social networks. People love to share the good things. If you pay attention to what your social network shares, you will see that good content is almost always accompanied by good headlines. Save the ones you actually click to read because of the titles.

journals. These publishers have had years of practice developing headlines that not only grab attention but also get people to buy the magazine. cut them out.

Scan your RSS reader. This is pretty obvious, but instead of heading straight to your favourites. If possible, view all posts from all blogs you’re subscribed to in chronological order. This way, it’s harder for you to gravitate towards your favorite blogs and give all posts an equal chance at attention. Don’t show the excerpts, just the titles and see what really catches your eye at first glance. Save those.

Your email inbox. As the inbox gets busier and more competitive, email marketers must also get more creative and edgy with their subject lines. Save the ones that allow you to open the email.

And there you have 5 ways to find stuff to fill your swipe file with great examples. Use them as a template for your own blog titles.

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