
7 Easy Ways to Save at the Pump

With gasoline prices rising steadily and the economy plummeting, even the most profligate consumers are thinking twice. Conserving our natural resources is not only important for the well-being of the human race but also for our wallets. Whether you’re doing it for the environment, our well-being, or your wallet, here are some gas-saving tips to help.

Check your tires. Every time you drive your car, you should take a quick walk around it to check for flat or flat tires. Actual pressures should be measured monthly, especially when the outside temperature begins to change drastically. Low tire pressure will significantly decrease fuel consumption. Having your tires properly inflated will not only give you optimal mpg (miles per gallon), but it will extend the life of your tires.

Light. Remove any unnecessary items from the car and trunk. Decreasing the weight of the car will increase its mpg.

Do it all at once. Consolidate as many car trips as you can into one. It’s also not a bad idea to plan these trips at times when traffic is low. This will reduce stop-and-go traffic, which will also lower fuel consumption.

Don’t let it idle. Avoid leaving your car idle for long periods of time when picking up friends, family, or any other task. Instead, turn off your car and save some gas.

Don’t be a racing driver. Hard acceleration is the best way to burn gas. Try to observe traffic patterns ahead and adjust your speed as smoothly as possible. Also, observe the speed limits and stick to them. This will prevent you from getting in trouble with the law and from filling up your tank more frequently.

Be cool in the cabin. During the hot months, use the air conditioning on the lowest setting that is comfortable for you, with the windows rolled up to reduce drag and increase mpg. When you’re sitting in stop-and-go traffic, it’s best to roll down your windows and turn off your air conditioning for better fuel economy.

Show your car some love. Be sure to keep your vehicle “tuned up” and running efficiently. Letting your upkeep get away from you will allow you to part with your money faster. Give the car and your wallet some TLC.

These gas saving tips will not only save you at the pump, but will also help the environment and could increase the life of your car. This is the true definition of “winning.”

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