Digital Marketing

A simplified marketing plan that works!

When I started my first business in 1981, I researched business plans and marketing plans. I looked at all the formats and read a lot about the purpose of creating a business plan. But I never got excited enough to do it.

When I launched my speaking business in 1997, I reconsidered a business plan and a marketing plan. Again, they seemed too complex, like a bunch of “excess” for my one person operation. But I soon found that I needed some kind of plan to remind me of where I was going and how I planned to get there.

For the last few years I have been using a simplified marketing plan. And it has been working for me. It may inspire you to do something similar, or at least to do something! Is that how it works.

At the beginning of the year (or during my planning period for the year), I list my business goals. I try to look at all facets of the business. For example:

1. Book X talks.
2. Give X free speeches.
3. Generates $X in consulting fees.
4. Increase website traffic to X pageviews per month.

I then list my key success factors for the year and assign a code to each one. For example:
* Increase online visibility. V-code
* Deepen my credibility. C code
* Highlight my experience. postal code
* Generate passive income. Code I

Finally, I describe the audience(s) I want to serve, assigning a code to each one.
S Code Speakers
Authors Code A
C Code Consultants
Small Business Code SB

Now I’m ready to put my plan into action steps!

At the top of the first page, I list the first goal: Book X speaking commitments. Then I list as many activities that will contribute to that as possible. Here are a few that I have listed this year:

* New professional photo
* Monthly contact with key advocates
* Monthly tip postcards for meeting planners
* Updated demo video; distribute to speakers’ desks.
* Timeline for each commitment.
* Submit press releases for each engagement, as appropriate.
* Specific series of follow-up activities for each commitment.

Also, I list specific prospects I want to target this year.

I repeat this process for each goal, listing the marketing or sales activities I need to perform on the goal it applies to.

I then go back and code each activity. First with the Key Factors code. Will this activity contribute to my visibility? Credibility? Experience? Passive gold income? An activity can have multiple key factors. If I find an activity that doesn’t contribute to one of my key factors for the year, I ask myself whether or not it is an appropriate activity for this year. In many cases, I will drop it or lower its priority.

Finally, I review each activity and code the audience(s) for which it will be appropriate. Most of the activities can be applied to multiple audiences, but I often find that I’m missing one of my target groups for the year. Again, I am asking if there are additional activities I should be doing to better serve you or if it is appropriate to ignore them this year.

As a format, I’ve found this works well for me:

Task Key factors Audience Deadline Completion date

And since I have staff, I add an extra column for who will be doing the activity.

At this point, I have my basic plan. It only remains to set the deadlines for each activity. These deadlines, in turn, dictate my daily activities. If I find myself doing something that’s not in my marketing plan, I stop and ask myself, “Should I be doing this? If I should, why wasn’t it in my marketing plan? Where can I add it or should I stop doing it?” ?”

In general, my complete plan is less than 10 pages. I never try to set more than 10 goals for the year, as that seems so overwhelming! So he keeps it short. I review the plan monthly, noting the activities I have completed and noting the progress on those I am working on. I am always amazed at how much I get on the plan, even if I never complete all the tasks I set out to do.

Having a plan is a key element in setting yourself up for success. The format your plan takes is completely up to you. But if you haven’t found one that works for you, try this one. Then modify it to make it work even better for you. I would love to know what works for you!

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