
Ace Exams – Learn exam skills and techniques

Understand the criteria

While it may seem like common knowledge, it is crucial to understand the areas of assessment and the point ratio for each question. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to spend time studying and answering questions based on their proportional value to your overall grade. If one question is worth 30% and another is worth 50%, the 50% question should receive half the time allotment, the 30% question should receive one third of the time allotment, etc. In this context, the allotted time is the amount of time you delegate, but of course you can finish early and move on to the next question.

Check with your teachers about which questions are important and the relative weight of the questions. You can also review your study guide or exam guide to understand exactly what is relevant.


It is a good idea to review for your test at least two weeks before the event. This will allow you to understand everything you need to and prepare yourself mentally as well. Depending on your study style, working in groups to review is generally beneficial. Delegate study areas and review notes to teach the group. Learning to teach is key to fully understanding the topics and using the information efficiently.


It is integral that you take as many practice tests as you can handle! Take them in real time and review your answers after completing each practice test.

do the exam

Make sure you get enough sleep and that you are mentally prepared for the test. This is very important! Getting in the right frame of mind can be tricky, but try to visualize yourself doing the right thing and knowing all the answers. Sometimes nerves can undermine our natural ability, so positive thinking and visualizations work great!

Reading time is key to getting a head start and mentally mapping out your answers. You should have your answers and a rough idea of ​​what you will say during this time. In the early stages of writing time, you should brainstorm all of your answers (for multiple choice, just mark your initial answers in gray next to the answer sheet). This will allow you to answer all the questions and come back to the more difficult ones later.

Getting top grades can be tricky, but once you know your learning style and have the right tools and strategies, it’s a doddle.

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