Lifestyle Fashion

Are you a victim of ingrown pimples? Learn how to stop or reduce these pimples

The main cause of ingrown hair is due to cutting the hair under the skin which blocks the pores and ultimately prevents the hair from growing outwards. Because of this, the hair growth will be inside the skin and will cause a painful lump inside the skin. Pus will occur when there is a lump on the skin and it cannot be cured by the use of anti-pimple gels or creams.

By leaving them alone without using creams or squeezing them, it will automatically reduce ingrown pimples and help hair growth out of the skin surface. But it will lead to severe pain due to the presence of ingrown hair. Therefore, it is better to fish out the ingrown hair from the pore itself with the help of sterilized tweezers or needles to prevent any kind of infection and avoid major problems.

By squeezing the ingrown pimple, pus will first be released, and then by applying a little more pressure, you can squeeze it until the fluid comes out of the skin. It is essential to ensure that the pus does not spread to the lateral areas of the skin, as it can lead to infection.

Gentle and regular skin exfoliation removes dead skin cells and helps reduce ingrown pimples. People with curly hair are considered to be the most common victims of overgrown hair as their hair does not grow vertically but instead curls downwards in the hair follicles. It is recommended to have regular exfoliation for this type of hair.

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