Choosing the Right SEO Tools: A User Review of Rank Tracker, Part of SEO PowerSuite

Once you get involved, SEO creates a lot of repetitive work and if you’re reading this you probably know what I’m talking about. As a start-up SEO operation in South Africa with a rapidly growing client base, we had established pretty good systems for finding potential clients, identifying what should To be ranked, search for long-tail keyword phrases and generate […]

5 Ways to Create a Blog Title Slider File

Among thousands of blog posts that are published every day, how do people decide what to read? It may not be the only factor affecting people’s decision, but there’s a good chance that people will judge your post, and perhaps your blog, by its titles. A good headline grabs people’s attention, makes them look twice, and takes a few minutes […]

SEO New York: Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing

Promoting a status versus promoting a product requires different mindsets. In the first case, a state encompasses many facets: downtown, historical attractions, museums, demographics, environmental initiatives, industrial zones, and many other topics that would interest visitors. In the second case, the promotion of a product imposes a narrower focus. It presents the product: how it is made, how it can […]

8 fundamental stages in the web application development process

To survive the fast-paced market competition, web application development is a fundamental tool for every business. To a large extent, the development process is based on a three-tier software development model that includes users, businesses, and data services. This type of design is used to separate a web application into service provider and customer networks. Here we will know some […]

Top tips for creating your video resume

We are facing a situation where it is increasingly difficult to get a job interview and it is crucial to generate more exposure to stand out from the rest of the noisy job market. How can you get this? Here comes the video resume which allows you to essentially broadcast important parts of your written resume in a short video. […]

Decision making strategies

Leadership skills become second nature to many people. But one of the most difficult skills is decision making. There are always numerous factors to consider, impacts to predict, and simply put, it’s hard to please everyone from the highest levels. It’s easy for leaders to put off making decisions or even try to offload the decision onto someone else. But […]

4 Key Considerations for Every Social Media Marketing Campaign

Throughout my career, I have developed and drafted numerous internal company processes, policies, and strategy documents. With experience and practice, it became evident that a process does not resist time and changes if it is not scalable and replicable. The same principles hold true for a social media marketing strategy; it must be a process that can accommodate growth over […]