Ancient Greek Writing: 3 Important Writing Styles

In its early days of writing, Mycenaean Greek was written using a syllabary. However, for almost 2,700 years, Greek has been written using an alphabet. As with other writing systems, different writing styles developed over time. Similar to how modern English has many variations from cursive to script and uppercase to lowercase, ancient Greek also had different written variations. Three […]

12 foolproof brainstorming techniques

Writers, students, and anyone else will occasionally need an idea or two. While there may be times when ideas emerge with little or no effort, there will be times when the source of creativity will seem to have dried up. However, do not be afraid. Even if you don’t feel particularly creative, you can still think and reason. If you […]

How to plan your social media strategy

Social media is an important platform for marketing for businesses of any size in today’s digital age. The question “Why should we use social media for our business?” It quickly changed to “How should we use social media for our business?” Whether your business is 24 hours or 24 years old, creating an online presence is very important. Promoting yourself […]

Uses of social media management (SMM) tools

Social networks and modern commerce. The age of social media has created an entirely new form of networking, connecting the dots between commerce and lifestyle, accelerating globalization, and taming the space for businesses to penetrate the market. From Facebook and Twitter to Instagram and Snapchat, people have many options when it comes to getting in touch with the world. A […]

5 important aspects of internet marketing

The Internet has boomed especially in the last decade. It has provided a wide range of opportunities for companies of all genres. Business owners have also realized the enormous potential of the online world which has made them reflect on various marketing strategies. Hiring an internet marketing company has become a common trend for most companies. However, before investing your […]

Why You Need Company Policies for Internet, Email, and Social Media Use

Modern technologies can be a great asset to almost any business. The Internet facilitates effective research and information management, email enables quick internal and external communications, and social media can act as a great tool for engaging current and potential customers. However, the risks that these technologies can pose to a business have led many businesses to impose blanket restrictions […]

Writing effective press releases

If writing press releases is part of your job, then one of the first things to remember is that although your ultimate target audience is news readers, the media as a vehicle for publishing the news is equally important. The media does not need and usually does not publish a large part of what you write in the press release. […]