Alternative Methods: 3 Alternative Fitness Tips

You’ve probably heard the saying “an apple a day keeps this doctor away”. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as that. If that were the case, America would be one of the healthiest nations on Earth instead of one of the most obese. A person needs to participate in physical activity to establish a healthy life and, more importantly, a healthy […]

Living happily with menopause

Menopause means the last menstrual period and actually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, although today it even happens to women in their 40s. It signals the end of ovarian function and the ability to conceive and menstruate. Before this time, as 40 eggs develop, the ovaries gradually secrete less of the hormone estrogen (which prepares you for […]

how many calories does a tangerine have

The tangerine is a sweet and juicy fruit that is orange in color and easy to peel. It is typically purchased in large quantities in the South during the Christmas season. Tangerines are a relative of an orange, just like the tangerine and offer both seedless and seedless versions. When looking for information about the calories of a tangerine, there […]