Health Fitness

Chest Workouts: How Many Pushups Should I Do A Day?

Pushups are a great chest workout, but how many pushups a day is appropriate? Let’s take a closer look at the push up and its exercise routine.

Push-ups are a fantastic exercise to strengthen your arms, back, chest, and core. Many people do not like to do them, especially women. However, it is an important exercise, even for women. You have to start somewhere, so even if you think you can’t do one, it’s great to just do one a day until you can work up to two a day.

Steadily continuing to build on that foundation can increase your muscular endurance and strength. The reason most people don’t like to do it is because they feel like they can’t do it. This exercise can be a great foundation for any exercise routine. So once again, even if you can’t do one, start on your knees and work your way up.

It can actually be a fun thing to challenge yourself. Set a goal of fifty push-ups, and even if you start with one a day, try to do three the following week. In the military, they do PT tests, and for one branch of the military, if you can do 57 in a minute, you get the highest score, which for them is a 10 in that category. So you can also challenge yourself by seeing how many you can do in a minute. It’s a bit more difficult to do faster.

As you get stronger this will become much easier for you. So how many you should do a day is up to you. I like the way the military does it to test how many you can do in a minute. This gives you a goal to work towards. And if you can already do 57 in a minute, you can go for more. Or you can even see how many you can do in two minutes.

For most people, even 30 seconds of push-ups can be difficult. Therefore, always build yourself towards a higher goal. And when you do, go even higher. So wherever you’re starting is great! The answer to how many pushups you should do in your exercise routines is not a straight answer. Any number of pushups you can do will be an added benefit to your core training!

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