Tips for healthy eating

Eating healthy helps your mind, body and soul. Your body will begin to appreciate the change in your diet and you will feel much better. Healthy eating is truly the healthiest way to lose weight. Additionally, a low-calorie nutritional diet and exercise regimen help control disease and aging. You know that the reason we tend to start gaining weight is […]

P90X Nutrition – My Staples

P90X workouts are tough. But I tell everyone I train that diet, nutrition, and supplements give people the results they want. Workouts make you fit on the inside, your nutrition makes you look fit on the outside. I didn’t really follow any nutritional plans or recipes provided by Beachbody during my P90X trial. It’s not that I don’t think they’re […]

Ways to purposely lose muscle mass

Is it politically incorrect to say “lose muscle on purpose”? You always hear people say lose weight. I am as guilty as anyone else. For the most part, it’s something people don’t like to face head-on. For some, it makes perfect sense that they try to lose muscle because they want to. Aren’t you supposed to gain as much muscle […]

Weak hamstrings: cause of low back pain

Tight and inflexible hamstrings get a lot of attention as a cause of low back pain, but weak hamstrings can also be the cause. The hamstring is actually a set of three muscles that run from the pelvis to the knee at the back of the thigh. These muscles are used to facilitate flexion of the knee behind the midline […]