Food that does not match the menu

The question of whether you’re really getting the exact same food that’s listed on the menu has persisted in the restaurant industry. What guarantee is there that you will get exactly what you ordered? Are there checks and balances in place to ensure the integrity of the companies that source the food available in restaurants? There can be a lot […]

All I ever wanted was for him to love me

You are struggling with your current relationship. You discovered an adventure. Many negative feelings of betrayal, sadness and disappointment tormented your heart. It makes your soul break as this person was very special in your life. Those kinds of events are harmful especially for women. They tend to be very emotional and sensitive to pain. Dramatic events like this can […]

Czech Food and Drink – Top Five Czech Restaurants in America

Craving hearty and satisfying Czech cuisine, but nowhere near the Czech Republic? Fear not…here are five cozy and authentic restaurants in America where you can try the best Czech-style food and drink… Although there are millions of people of Czech descent in the United States, Czech restaurants are not particularly common. We’re not sure why, because the cuisine is some […]