
Convenient banking solutions from ASB Fast Net Services

The ASB (Auckland Savings Bank) bank was started in 1847. Operating in New Zealand, it is one of the largest banks, with branches across the country. To offer convenient banking solutions, it established its Internet Banking Services (IBS) to offer the following solutions to its retail and business customers. Once registered, you can do all your banking transactions online at any time and from anywhere in the world. Fastnet’s classic internet banking accommodates both personal and business banking solutions. It does not charge any registration fees or ongoing fees, so access is completely free.

  1. Provide valuable information
  2. Easy electronic banking services
  3. Order any product online
  4. Secure online transaction service
  5. Check balances and statements
  6. Transfer funds and make bill payments

It also provides credit card authorization for e-merchants. The bank operates on a very secure platform. Any body can visit the official website of the bank and find valuable information there.

ASB fastnet was launched in April 1996.

The Online Services offered by ASB Online banking are:

Payment with ASB card: It is a real-time credit card payment service used for commercial purposes where products are sold over the Internet by mail or through a call center. Customer details are captured and transmitted to the bank. After authorization, the fund is credited to the client’s bank account.

express payment: It is a solution certified by Visa and MasterCard used in electronic payments from multiple access points.

Support: Provides support and assistance to protect your account against fraudulent acts and protect confidential information. It also guarantees technical assistance and support services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

landscaping services: Is a Paymark Certified Solutions Provider specializing in making payment processing easier and lowering the entry level and cost of technology. It supports online credit card payment facilities provided by New Zealand banks: ANZ, ASB, Bank of New Zealand, Kiwi Bank, The National Bank and Westpac.

voice mail service: The bank is currently using a computer telephony integration (CTI) plug-in that delivers voicemail to an email inbox and integrates calendar and directory functions.

mobile commerce services: Customers can pay for goods and services securely from their bank account using their mobile phone.

ASB VISA Business Card: It is useful to pay for purchases and business expenses.

business saver: It is an online business deposit account used for GST, provisional taxes and other business expenses.

stream line account: Online monitoring of accounts. You just have to ‘register in “Statement Stopper” in FastNet Classic.

quick saver: Fast Saver is the high interest phone and internet savings account.

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