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critical thinking: "Me too" How ‘privileged’ are women?

Shortly after the allegations about Harvey Weinstein were made, the hashtag “#MeToo” went viral on social media. This gave people the opportunity to talk about the sexual assault and harassment they had experienced in the workplace.

At first

It has been said that the original purpose of this hashtag was to “empower women through empathy, especially the experiences of young and vulnerable women, brown or black”, and the person behind it was Tarana Burke. Following this, Alyssa Milano offered her support for this phrase, encouraging people to use it if they have experienced sexual harassment and assault.

This was also seen as a way to find out how widespread this is in today’s world. However, as more and more people around the world began to use this phrase, its meaning gradually changed.

a turning point

But putting that aside, what is clear is that this hashtag has given a lot of people a voice, a vice they clearly hadn’t had before. And when someone’s being has been violated by another human being, this is exactly what you need.

Their sense of safety and security will have been shattered, and then it will be vital that they are heard. This can allow them to feel recognized and validated, and then something can be done about what has happened.

Two parts

Firstly, there may be what needs to happen in regards to the person or persons who caused them harm, and secondly, there may be the kind of mental and emotional support someone will need. For example, if someone has been raped, he may need therapy.

And it may not matter if this happened several years ago, as your mind and body could still be in a traumatized state. If this is the case, it could be a challenge for them to manage their daily lives.


Just posting a hashtag on social media isn’t necessarily going to do much, and there’s also a chance they’ll feel even more vulnerable telling others what happened to them. It will then be essential for them to find a therapist or healer to work with, someone who understands what they have been through and can guide them through this process.

What they have been through will have had a huge impact on them and continuing on as before will not be an option. They didn’t deserve to be treated this way and they don’t deserve to suffer either.

A contaminated movement

The problem is that as the meaning of this hashtag has changed, it means that it is used in any way. So instead of someone being raped as an adult or sexually abused as a child, for example, as an adult, they may have had their leg touched or had sex that wasn’t very satisfying.

This then what it does is trivialize the occasions when someone has really suffered. When something like this happens, the person using this hashtag clearly has a different motive than someone who has actually suffered.

has been kidnapped

If someone has had their leg or shoulder touched, is this really the same as being raped or sexually abused as a child? Or have sex and then regret it the next day?

This is something that several feminists are firmly behind, this being another way to control and demonize all men. These are the women who like to talk about how ‘privileged’ all men are, while completely overlooking their own ‘privilege’.


In their eyes, all men are bad and/or rapists and women are oppressed victims, who have absolutely no agency. Based on this, men are adults but women are dependent children in need of protection.

What it does then is that women stop being responsible for their own lives and, if so, it’s the men’s fault. Women are then like angels who are incapable of doing anything wrong.

The death of due process

Therefore, if a man is accused of harassment or sexual misconduct, he will be guilty until proven innocent. The fact that a woman said that this is what happened will be the only thing that matters.

With an accusation, whether true or not, a man’s reputation and livelihood can be completely destroyed. Would this happen if men had all the power, or if we lived in a ‘patriarchy’ and women were ‘oppressed’?

a great illusion

One way of looking at this would be to say that the reason these feminists have spent so much time feeding the narrative that men are ‘privileged’ is to hide their own privilege. Then they have accused the opposite gender of who they are: they are either unaware of this or extremely cunning.

They are not interested in the facts; they are only interested in pushing their own agenda. The only information and experiences that interest them is what supports what they believe.

Back to reality

Men are not infallible and believe it or not, women are the same; Not everything that comes out of his mouth is the truth. In the same way that men can be attention seekers, women can be too.

With this in mind, it is clearly not a good idea to believe that a man must be guilty if a woman has accused him of doing something wrong. And if this is difficult for someone to accept, you just need to think about how crazy it would be to believe everything that came out of a man’s mouth.


It’s easy to attack men in today’s world and pigeonhole them all with the same brush, yet all this does is divide men and women. Perhaps the feminists behind this have a lot of conflict within them, wanting to make the world in their own image.

Then they will not be fully satisfied until all men and women are as miserable as they are. Fortunately, a truly empowered woman, a woman who doesn’t perceive herself as a victim, is not going to be interested in any of this.

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