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Does Homer McDonald’s Stop Your Divorce Book Really Work?

Well this is a difficult question to answer as obviously any type of book, advice or advice that aims to stop a divorce cannot be guaranteed to work. Sure there can be a guarantee on the cost, that is, if it doesn’t work, you can get your money back, but there can be no guarantee that it will work for everyone.

For some people, your advice will help mend their relationship and end the divorce. While in the others it is too late and it is possible that too much damage has been done. Actually, for some people, divorce is usually the right thing to do.

Certainly, there is some good advice given by Homer McDonald, as well as other relationship experts who publish similar books.

One point everyone makes seems to be self-esteem, control, and how you approach your partner during difficult periods in your relationship. A lot of emphasis is placed on making sure he looks and acts like a strong character who does well. After all, who wants their partner to be a pea brain, a babbling coward? Nobody right?

Many different relationship books I’ve seen some great advice when it comes to those difficult and heated debates you have with your partner when it comes to divorce. Many people come up with answers that try to defend themselves. They declare that they cannot love anyone else and that they will be lost without the movement of their partner.

Does this make you appeal to your wife or husband? Absolutely not and it will push them even further to go through with the divorce. One of the best tips Homer McDonald gives is to completely go along with all the negativity thrown at you and never defend yourself. Agree to the divorce and say the relationship is hopeless.

This sounds crazy when you don’t want to get divorced, but what you’re actually doing is taking away all of your partner’s legs that you have to argue with. They can’t argue and get mad at you when you agree. You also come as a very strong and in control person. Now we start to look more attractive again.

While this simple tactic may not completely fix your relationship, it is laying a great foundation for you to fix your marriage and stop the divorce. So does Homer McDonald’s ‘Stop your Divorce’ book work? As I said before, this is almost unanswerable. But there are certainly books and guides like this that will help you tremendously.

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