Health Fitness

Eat whole wheat pasta for prozac for cellulite

Cellulite is that mythical subject that is almost impossible to understand. Many proclaimed experts spread the word that they are toxic pockets of fat, trapped beneath the surface of the skin.


If it’s toxic, you’d be sick. It is nothing but fat, and that can be of two kinds.

  1. Bad fat
  2. Good fat

For pasta, you have two different types, and those come together with the two fats above.

  1. Refined (White paste)
  2. Not refined (Wheat pasta)

White pasta is one in which it is not close to a healthy food. Because it is processed, it is missing vital nutritional components that your body needs to function properly for a healthy body. It does not contain fiber and is only made up of simple sugars.

Chances are, when you’re eating a white pasta dish and your mouth is watering for more, you’ll be reaching for a second serving. That’s because it lacks fiber. Fiber is what helps you feel satisfied, full, and know when to say enough is enough and put down the plate.

Whole wheat pasta, on the other hand, is in a completely different league. This is a raw food, which means it has all the nutrition that is otherwise lost during processing.

It is a food that is packed with complex carbohydrates.

In other wordsHumor food.

That’s because they increase serotonin production in the brain. It regulates your sleep cycle, mood, the amount of food you eat, and controls your tolerance for pain, so if you find exercise strenuous on your muscles, then whole grain pasta is the food for you.

Regarding the nutritional value of whole wheat pasta …

  • Natural bran
  • Germ
  • Fiber
  • Vitamins
  • And minerals

All the above nutrients remain intact and are not found in the white paste. So if you’re on a diet that’s not strictly pasta, it’s probably time to ditch it. It’s just a case of knowing the right kind of pasta to eat.

The main components you are benefiting from are the bran and germ.

Bran is where you get most of your antioxidants and vitamin B. Vital components for healthy skin. For the germ, that gives it more B vitamins, along with minerals, protein, and healthy fats.

With refined grains, the bran and germ are lost, so you lose all the nutrition you need from a healthy diet.

Why whole wheat pasta is the healthiest option:

  1. Being a rich source of fiber, it is a food that will make you feel satisfied for longer.
  2. Being high in carbohydrates, you won’t be too pleased either
  3. The large amount of vitamin B: speeds up your body’s metabolism.

Due to the three factors mentioned above, it is one of the best cellulite foods that you will find and it will enrich your overall health.

The recommendation: of all the grains in your diet, at least half of them should be whole.

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