
Fullerene Platonic Science and World Peace

The national or tribal political will that puts modern science and technology to work seeks to control the economic employment of the masses and maintain a defense structure to ensure the continuation of political power. This can be done in the name of democracy, plutocracy, dictatorship, religion, monarchies, etc. They all compete to develop an aesthetic of emotional mind control to convince their subjects that they are better off than their competing nations or tribes. It follows that the idea of ​​a single world government must pose a threat to these various mind control systems. However, it is possible to override this concern by using rigorous science to develop a sustainable medical code of ethics, specifically designed to guide civilization toward a state of perpetual world peace rather than perpetual conflict. The only thing preventing this from happening is science itself.

As the full potential of nanotechnology emerges, nations with nuclear weapons at their disposal will begin to realize that they will soon no longer be protected by them. It is obvious that futuristic nanomachines will be able to mass produce undetectable nano-weapons of mass destruction and there are many willing fanatics who would be very honored to use them against the civilian population. Some might claim that this is a natural sacrifice of people on an overpopulated planet. There will be plenty of high-ranking military personnel determined to use nanotechnology to stop religious fanatics. On the other hand, nanotechnology has the potential to create anything from very little, including building food and water. Without responsible science, those who control nanotechnology will bring hell on earth. However, with a responsible science that guides them towards it, utopia is possible. To obtain that utopia, there must first be the scientific will to create it.

The fanatical will to wreak violent destruction is not limited to religious fanatics who inflict instant entropic destruction on innocent civilians. This fanatical will is fundamentally basic also for almost all highly trained scientists. The desire of the prevailing scientific worldview to lead civilians toward entropic destruction is equally fanatical, but it operates in a slower and more organized fashion. Scientists must realize why this is an accurate description of the dominant scientific mindset and dissociate themselves from an internal compulsion to worship destructive chaos.

Nobel laureate Lord Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein used mathematics to convince themselves that people should worship the destruction of chaos. Russell’s most popular essay was titled “The Worship of a Free Man” in which he wrote that scientists must abide by the law of physics that Einstein called the main law of all sciences, the law of universal chaos. In the end, Russell wrote, all human creative genius will be completely destroyed within a universe in thermodynamic ruin. The time period for human entropic extinction, in nano-terms, is not at all related to the length predicted by Russell and Einstein.

Arguing totally contrary to the worship of diabolical chaos, was the Platonic tradition of scientific philosophy that, during the 3rd century BC. C., created the ‘Science for ethical purposes’. It may be asked, what makes Platonic logic so important in this matter of human survival? The answer to that question is that Platonic logic defined “evil” as a destructive property of formless matter within the physical atom, which can emerge to destroy civilization.

The same mathematical logic that predicted this threat of nuclear destruction also applies to the misuse of nanotechnology. One may wonder then, who can he trust to guide an ennobling ethical government for the benefit of all? The Platonic “good” was defined as being for the health of an infinite universe. So the answer is that you can rely on a medical science based on a sustainable infinite evolutionary ethic. The following question arises: how can an infinite evolutionary ethic be located that works for the health of the universe when modern conventional physics forbids it to exist?

The answer to that question is obvious. Nanotechnology has shown that the emotion molecule discovered in 1972 by Dr. Candace Pert is part of a complex dynamic fractal energy system that extends its logic to universal infinity in contradiction to Russell and Einstein’s worldview. The emotion molecule continually updates the structure of the endocrine fluids that maintain human health within an infinite evolving universe. That process is the foundation of the emerging science of quantum biology, which entangles itself with the energies of chaos to develop human consciousness. Quantum biology tells us that it is time to stop worshiping the god of chaos that the ancient Greeks called Diabolos.

Buckminster Fuller used Platonic ethical mathematics to develop his synergistic model of the universe and the three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry named the basis of his new medical science Fullerene Chemistry. Fuller wrote a book entitled ‘Utopia or Forgetfulness’ in which he posited that we now have a choice of being governed by the law of chaos or by the Platonic engineering principles of creation. For the non-scientist, this means living in a universe governed by platonic love.

From the perspective of Fuller’s balanced energy, derived directly from Platonic mathematics, one can imagine the necessary medical science in which nanotechnology can be guided by an ethical Platonic oath, improving on the ancient Hippocratic, used in medicine today. During the 18th and 19th centuries, a doctorate in science meant a doctorate in philosophy, and the great philosophers of the time, who made the great electromagnetic discoveries, used the mathematics belonging to Platonic ethical science to develop ethical electromagnetic physics. Any reference encyclopedia will explain that the discoverer of the electromagnetic field, Hans Christian Oersted, wrote his doctoral thesis, based on the electromagnetic ethics postulated by the philosopher of science Emmanuel Kant.

Friedrich Schelling and Alexander Humboldt updated electromagnetic ethics in terms compatible with recent discoveries made by nanotechnology. The Platonic tradition of philosophy classifies modern scientists as ignorant barbarian engineers, fit only to help engineer ongoing diabolical chaos. Although Kant’s work is considered to have greatly influenced the scientific culture of the 21st century, it is a good bet that very few scientists reading this article have the slightest clue that anyone has ever reasoned about some form of electromagnetic ethics, or that scientists in the past wrote formulas to show how electromagnetic ethics balanced E = Mc2.

Therefore, you might wonder, is it true that I cannot even begin to reason about such things, even though my Ph.D. confirms me as a philosopher? Have I been taught that I cannot challenge Einstein’s entropic worldview? Am I aware that some scientists simply assume that the universe is infinite in order to derive practical solutions to complex engineering problems? Is it possible that I am only in a position to accelerate entropic chaos in all my reasoning unless I consider linking my hard-earned knowledge to the holographic reality of quantum biology?

These questions are quite serious. In terms of universal emotional energy, there is little difference between a suicide bomber accelerating instant entropic chaos on innocent people and the development of modern science doing the same in slow motion. By ignoring the existence of electromagnetic ethics within nanotechnology, huge machines are excavating raw materials for entropic industrial development and huge fishing trawlers are catching dolphins while nets ravage the oceans. The perpetrators remain oblivious to the potential of nanotechnology to produce both raw materials and food supplies from next to nothing.

It seems futile to try to say these things to a society hell-bent on accelerating the fearful and destructive chaos of job opportunities through an economy that turned the Kantian ethic for world peace on earth into an unattainable entropic cancerous economic growth concept. Could it be possible that scientists allow their brilliant but lopsided training to tangle with newly emerging quantum biology? People need to become aware of what they are doing when they feel compelled to remain in complete bondage by any of the dictates of twentieth-century entropic mathematics, physics, politics, economics, and religious certainty. Then they may be looking for ethical opportunities to become a responsible part of the future super-science of nano-quantum biology.

Georg Cantor’s mathematics is now a fundamental part of modern science. It is time to stop adding to him that he is the most reviled mathematician in history due to his goal of using his infinite mathematics to achieve world peace. The reader is urged to download ‘Physics of life: The dawn of quantum biology’ on Google to read about the NASA findings relevant to this article, as published in the journal Nature and containing two subtitles’ Nature knows a few tricks that scientists don’t know about. ‘and’ This could give us some clues in the search for the development of quantum biology. ‘

© Professor Robert Pope, Advisor to the President Oceania and Australasia of the Einstein-Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics (IFM) for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics (IFM) Einstein-Galilei

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