Lifestyle Fashion

Hepatitis B and everything you need to know about this vaccine-preventable disease


Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HPV). There are two other types of hepatitis viruses: hepatitis A and hepatitis C. Hepatitis can cause inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B is a curable disease that can be prevented with a vaccine. It can affect a person for either a few weeks, causing less damage or chronic infection, lifelong illness. The severity of infection is defined by the spread of the virus in the liver. If the infection is widespread in the liver, then it causes chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis. The WHO estimated that the African region is the area with the highest number of people infected with hepatitis, with 6.2% of the population infected.

Cause and transmission

Hepatitis is transmitted through blood or semen. HBV can survive in the outside atmosphere for seven days. If the virus enters the body in these seven days, it will still damage the liver if the person is not vaccinated. The virus can enter a body through various means of transmission:

• Birthday

When an infected woman gives birth to a child, the virus is passed on to the child. However, the baby can be vaccinated, keeping it safe.

• sexual contact

Unprotected sex with an infected person can cause infection. The virus can enter the body through that person’s semen, blood, saliva, or vaginal secretions.

• Needle or razor contact

When old/unsterilized syringes or needles are shared between an infected and uninfected person, there is exposure to bloodborne transmission. In such cases, there are high chances of transmission of the virus.

• Open blood source

Accepting open source blood or contact with infected blood also causes transmission of the virus and leads to infection.

However, the virus cannot spread through air or water. It cannot be spread by breastfeeding, kissing, holding hands, or sneezing.


There are high chances (80%-90%) that a one-year-old child will be infected with chronic infections. Chances decrease as children get older. A six-year-old has a 50% to 60% chance of getting a chronic infection. An adult has only a 5% chance.

Most newly infected people do not show any symptoms. Some show mild/chronic symptoms such as:

• Fever

• vomiting

• Yellowing of the eyes

• Weightloss

• Dark urine

• Joint breads

• Tired

• jaundice

Treatment and tests

The disease currently has no cure. However, getting vaccinated helps fight it if the virus is transmitted. Hepatitis can be cured with antiviral drugs, but it can lead to other chronic infections. If the virus severely damages the liver, a liver transplant may help. A liver transplant improves the condition, but cannot eliminate the virus.

Doctors suggest that the following people be tested for hepatitis B:

• Those who travel to common areas of hepatitis B

• Those who have been in contact with someone with the disease

• Those who are pregnant

• Those who have had kidney dialysis

• Those who have used intravenous drugs

There are three types of tests, one to test if you are contagious. If your first test results are positive, you should take the following tests. The first test is to check the severity of the virus and the following ones are to test the immunity of the virus.


The virus is highly contagious. So once the virus enters the body, it is almost impossible to cure it. Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent it. Vaccines are recommended for those who have:

• Transmitted HIV or receiving treatment for HIV or any other sexually transmitted disease

• Injection drug users (IV)

• Kids

• Children not vaccinated at birth

• Healthcare workers who are exposed to blood

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