Real Estate

Home inspections, what to expect

Home inspections are good investments regardless of whether you are buying or selling a home. A home buyer or seller may request a home inspection after both parties have agreed on a price, but before closing day.

A home inspector who performs a home inspection is a person authorized and trained to evaluate all systems in the home. He or she checks for structural integrity, roof, and foundation issues. He or she also checks the rest of the house in detail.

In a home inspection, the inspector walks through the home to check the top of the roof and look for dip spots that can identify foundation or structural issues. He or she is expected to use a ladder to climb onto the roof to further inspect ridge vents, including flashing around bathroom vents, roof vent systems, and around skylights. He also takes note of the general condition of the shingles and their life expectancy.

An external inspection of the home will also be performed, including verification of the condition and type of siding or brick siding on the home, condition of yard lighting, driveways, sidewalks, and sprinkler systems.

The inspector will then move inside the home. He’ll look for stuck windows, cracked drywall, and doors, which could indicate foundation damage. He or she will give an overview of plumbing such as showers, faucets, sinks, toilets, and the garbage disposal.

A home’s electrical system is important, and its condition makes a difference in a home’s resale value. Electrical inspection includes ceiling fans, bathroom exhaust fans, operational analysis of receptacles, and determining electrical code compliance in bathrooms and kitchen, and lighting fixtures.

This inspection includes the efficiency of major appliances such as the dishwasher, water heater, oven, stove, and the condition of smoke detectors.

When the inspection is complete, the inspector will deliver a report that identifies problematic items and makes recommendations for repairs and improvements. The home inspector directs his attention to the structural condition of the house and full attention to safety issues.

Although the inspector’s work inside the home is limited, such as identifying hidden material defects, he must be experienced and well-trained. Keep in mind that a thorough home inspection could take time and cost a little more. However, you will be happy not to put up with faulty appliances.

Based on the home inspection report, a homebuyer has the right to request, within the period agreed upon by the seller, that certain defects in the home be corrected and repairs made.

A seller may refuse to do a home repair or refuse to accept a home repair on certain items, depending on the severity of the defects found in the home. Agents will usually be able to successfully negotiate the buyer’s request and make both parties happy with the outcome.

Consider a home inspection if you’re selling your home to secure a sale or enjoy peace of mind when buying a home.

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