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How I used the law of attraction to escape from debt, fear and panic

I was almost 30 years old and nothing was going right. She was working in a construction materials yard picking up trash for minimum wage. I thought she had a bright future, but everything seemed to go wrong somewhere.

I got this agency job and soon got an HGV (heavy duty vehicle) job, just got my license. But things got worse and worse and worse! I had several accidents while driving to deliver jobs. I hit a bridge, a car, and managed to drop someone’s hot sauce – a full load of popsicles, much to the dismay of the owners! That was not my best day, nor his.

Things were conspiring against me, I thought. Wherever he went, devastation followed. My relationships were in tatters and my debt was mounting. And it seemed like there was nothing I could do to change it all.

I had remembered watching The Secret a few years earlier and losing patience with my efforts to ‘manifest’ my dream life (within a week)! Perhaps he was being too impatient! I knew there had to be something to it, so I decided to go back to the drawing board. I quit my job too. He had crashed twice for the same company and it was costing them per day! Just going back to the office gave me goosebumps, knowing how useless I was!

Things had been better.

I had a huge debt on me and was paying my rent with a credit card. I was stressed all the time. That’s probably why things get out of control.

I bought every book I could find on the subject of the law of attraction. I was soon in a much better frame of mind, despite all the troubles that hung over me. I took a bit of work and started teaching martial arts classes, something that had been a passion for years.

The things that I had given up appeared to help me get back on track. Years before I had trained to stunt, but my self-esteem had dropped so low that I almost dismissed it as a bad idea. I got a few jobs and was able to pay off most of my credit card debt over a period of about 6 months.

My then girlfriend left me. She was away working on a movie when it happened. I fell back into victim mode, but I knew I had to stay positive. She was beginning to realize that my state was the most important thing and also my worst enemy.

Over the past few months, I had read every book I could find that mentioned the law of attraction: Working with the law by Raymond Holliwell, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles – The Science Of Getting Rich, As A Man Thinketh , James Allen, et cetera, et cetera!

All of these books taught the law of attraction and explained it in much more detail than the movie The Secret. In the movie The Secret, it is explained as thoughts becoming things. When I first saw the movie, I was inspired but didn’t fully understand it. I thought I understood but it was only skin deep. I watched my thoughts and dreamed about what I wanted, but somehow things kept showing up that I didn’t want.

Turns out it wasn’t as positive as I thought! Despite spending a few hours meditating and visualizing what a great life I was going to have, it later became apparent that I spent the rest of my time complaining and worrying. It is not helpful when you are trying to attract the wonderful life.

The problem was that my life was worry (for me)! I focused on what was, not what could be. So I kept reinforcing the old patterns of behavior and creating the “things” to complain about.

Despite the short break that work provided me, I could not devote my time to any kind of enjoyment. I always defaulted back to my concern: some state of mind and being overworked in some way. My only escape from this constantly checking frame of mind was to get drunk whenever the opportunity presented itself.

This, of course, did not help my mood or my bank balance. Every time I stopped drinking, my life seemed to improve dramatically. He had money, work came in and things got better. But with the constant worry and obsession of needing a more secure source of income, along with lots of free time, I would inevitably find myself back in alcohol!

When I finally realized this pattern I was creating, things started to change. I found an online tutoring program and learned how to market my kung fu school more effectively and how to build an online business. This gave me something to focus my restless mind on, which is what I desperately needed.

Having the right people in my life right now is completely invaluable. I realize that I had isolated myself from people and spent a lot of time alone. This itself led to depression and anxiety. However, my connection to the online community meant I was able to network and meet other like-minded people in person. There was an online resource to connect through social media and I started meeting people in my local area.

By using what I believe to be the law of attraction, I have managed to escape the 9 to 5 jobs I hated so much, break out of the rut, and overcome lack of confidence, fear, and panic. Now I can work from home and teach martial arts without having a job, a boss or answering to anyone. It wasn’t easy, but if I can do it, so can you!

What do you believe about the law of attraction? Will you take the red pill or the blue pill? Take the blue pill and the story ends, wake up in bed and believe what you want to believe. Take the red pill and you’ll stay in wonderland and see how far down the rabbit hole…

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