How Long is an Advanced Lip Filler Course?

Advanced Lip Filler Course

The Advanced Injectables course is for aesthetic practitioners who already have a good understanding of dermal fillers such as nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and lip augmentation and wish to take their skillset and product knowledge to the next level. It will teach you to perform the popular cheek augmentation procedure, as well as a variety of other injectable techniques including under-eye fillers, tear trough correction and the chin/jaw line contouring technique.

The day will begin with a review of the anatomy of the advanced lip filler course as well as facial assessment techniques that are pertinent to dermal filler procedures, along with the different types of filler available and their indications and contraindications. It will also cover a number of practical techniques, including the use of cannula and needle, to perform lip augmentations.

Throughout the hands-on session you will learn advanced injection techniques and be given the opportunity to practice on a live model. You will be able to discuss the client’s desired outcomes, create a treatment plan and perform the injections under the guidance of our instructor. You will be supplied with a 1 syringe of a selected dermal filler for your model, which is included in the cost of this training.

How Long is an Advanced Lip Filler Course?

Aesthetically Perfect will be visiting ARI and will be teaching their renowned Aesthetically Perfect Instagram Lip, Russian Lip, B’Stung Lips and Jawline Contouring using Cannula and Needle techniques. This is an invaluable opportunity to be taught these techniques by a master in the field, so that you can add them to your services and boost your profit margins.

After the completion of the hands on element of the training you will be introduced to a selection of off label products and techniques that can be used for other areas such as brow lifts, masseters and smoker’s lines. The final day of the training will focus on more complex treatments such as glabellar lines, nasolabial folds and marionette line correction.

In the realm of cosmetic enhancements, lip fillers have surged in popularity as a means to achieve fuller, more youthful lips. As demand for these procedures rises, so does the necessity for professionals who are well-versed in the art and science of administering lip fillers safely and effectively. In response to this demand, advanced lip filler courses have emerged, offering comprehensive training to practitioners seeking to refine their skills and stay abreast of the latest techniques and advancements in the field.

This is a full-day course and takes place at our training centre in Kent. The price of the course includes all products used on the day, lecture notes and of course lunch! On completion of this course you will be licensed to offer Professor Khanna’s HeartLips treatment in your clinic, utilising the registered logo, design and techniques for one year. This is a highly sought after service and is an excellent additional revenue stream for your business. Having completed this course you will have the confidence to perform the procedure safely and accurately in your clinic. It will help you to build a strong client base and increase your income. You will have the skills to deliver stunning natural-looking results to your clients and provide them with a truly life-changing experience!

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