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Native Foods: Edible Flowers Of Tonkin Jasmine, Moringa, Banana, Papaya, Durian And Pumpkin

Edible flowers, a nutritious food source, are often overlooked in the kitchen, although they are most commonly used to decorate cakes and in fruit and flower arrangements or bouquets. For Jiao Mingyao, a cooking expert, the flowers of a plant can be eaten if the roots, stems, leaves and fruits of the plant are edible. When preparing edible flowers for cooking, she would first poach them in salt water before making stir-fries, soups, or porridges with the flowers.

For Wang Yi, from the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, the influence of floral fragrance on the liver is to relieve bodily tensions.

In addition, the flowers also contain glycoside, which is believed to be beneficial for the body. For example, quercetin glycosides with anti-allergy properties are found in the flower buds of Japanese butterbur, a popular vegetable.

tonkin jasmine

My flower-eating experience begins with clusters of small, fragrant, greenish-white Tonkin jasmine flowers growing on a garden vine. Whether cooked as a garlic stir-fry or made into a soup, fresh Tonkin flowers offer a unique dining experience. Bursting with carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, this edible flora is a feast for the eyes and skin.

moringa flower

On the other hand, I have yet to make a plate out of the creamy white moringa flowers that grow abundantly on the neighborhood trees. A good source of calcium and potassium, this delicious flora makes a novelty salad or stir-fry.

banana flower

As for the banana flower, it cannot be cooked right away; the white flowers should be stripped of the hard pistils and scales; and the white pith, from the garnet bracts. Only after removing all these unwanted parts are the banana core and cleaned florets ready for preparation.

Thinly sliced, banana blossoms are sautéed with garlic, shallots, coriander, and salt. This native food is immensely rich in vitamins along with dietary fiber, protein, and unsaturated fatty acids.

papaya flower

Since male papaya plants do not produce papaya fruit, their flower buds are collected and fried with garlic, shallots, and salt, as usual.

Regarding nutrition, the white male papaya flower is rich in vitamins A, C and E; for example, its Vitamins C and E protect your liver from the harmful effects of free radicals while its Vitamin C is a cure for respiratory diseases.

All in all, the unassuming papaya flower is a good source of dietary fiber, folate, and antioxidants that prevent free radicals from damaging tissues and are good for stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.

With our diet focused on the fruit rather than the flower, we tend to neglect the papaya flora despite its high nutritional content.

durian flower

Then there are the strongly scented durian flowers., a harbinger of plenty to come, as it attracts all pollinators such as fruit bats to its nectar. The yellowish petals are crisp, slightly fragrant and sweet. Like the banana flower, durian flowers must first be removed from all superfluous parts, except for the stamens (without the anthers) and petals, and then lightly blanched to prepare a salad.

Rich in vitamins C and B, minerals and fiber, durian flowers are observed to last for only one day, during which they are pollinated and then fall to be collected under the tree early in the morning.

pumpkin flower

Compared to the more exotic Asian flowers, the squash blossom is relatively easier to prepare; only the yellow petals and bare stems are needed, while the rest of the flower parts, such as the calyx, sepals, and stamens, are discarded. With a good supply of vitamins, especially folic acid, a squash blossom stir-fry is a healthy culinary delight.

Luther Burbank says: ‘Flowers…are food for the sun and medicine for the soul.’ So please eat the daisies, they will brighten your health.

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