
Parrot Care Tips

So, you have finally decided to adopt a parrot. Congratulations! In addition to being the second most popular pet in the United States, parrots are undoubtedly one of the most entertaining and enjoyable pets to own. Their amazing range of bright colours, playfulness, high intelligence and ability to form strong bonds with their owners make keeping parrots such a rewarding experience.

But wait! Before you head to your local pet store for that perfect feathered friend, you should be aware that caring for these birds in your home can create some challenges. Therefore, learning proper parrot care techniques in advance is not only very helpful, but also of the utmost importance if you want to keep your bird happy and healthy for many years to come.

Parrot care is not always a bed of roses. In fact, bird owners often face completely different types of problems than those faced by owners of more common pets in the home, such as cats and dogs.

Parrot care can be tricky as most birds will waste a sizeable portion of their food on a daily basis. Fortunately, a quick blast from a vacuum cleaner or a few bounces from a broom will do the trick. Products like cage skirts are also available to help keep your bird’s mess to a minimum.

Polly wants a cookie? No problem. Just make sure she doesn’t have any salt. Too much salt on a parrot, especially the smaller breed, can be extremely dangerous. Veterinarians report that many parrots are brought in with sodium toxicity. What does that mean? They have consumed too much salt and have generally eaten too many snacks meant for humans. Two full meals a day consisting of a generous serving of fresh fruits and vegetables will provide optimal nutrition for your parrot and experiencing a wide range of flavors and textures will stimulate your pet’s mind, promoting psychological benefits as well.

You should also set aside a specific portion of your time each day with your bird. Unlike domesticated animals such as dogs and cats, parrots, like most birds, are wild by their very nature and need some form of daily socialization to keep them tame. The best results are achieved with a consistent schedule, so if your daily routine makes that structure impossible, then consider adopting another pet.

Your bird’s beak is continually growing, so regular maintenance is essential. Parrots also need to chew to exercise their jaw muscles, so it’s always good to be prepared to offer them plenty of safe and fun toys to shred and destroy. Otherwise, you might wake up one morning wondering what the hell happened to your furniture.

Avoid exposing your parrot to gases such as car exhaust, tobacco smoke, paints, insecticides, perfumes, and other household sprays. Birds are very sensitive to these inhalants.

Keep your bird away from all kinds of prescription and over-the-counter medications. Human medications such as pain relievers, cold medications, vitamins, and diet pills, even in small amounts, can be deadly to your feathered friend.

Finally, be sure to provide your parrot with a good-sized cage located in a comfortable environment within your home.

With enough love and care, your parrot will be yours to keep and enjoy for a long time to come.

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