
Public Speaking: The Top 5 Reasons Pro Bono Speaking Works To Market Your Business

Public speaking has been called “one of the most powerful ways to market your business” by nearly every small business marketing expert advising clients today. But small business owners and freelancers often worry about whether public speaking will actually give them a good return on their investment of time. Not to mention, as a small home-based business owner, many of us need to focus on cash flow. So is it really a good idea to create a speech, what I call a “signature speech”, and deliver it for free?

Absolutely, positively, yes!

In fact, by giving your speech pro bono, you will open many doors that would not have been open to you if you were charging professional speaker fees. Here are the top 5 reasons why speaking pro bono, that’s right, for free, will help you make more money:

1. Public speaking gets you, your name, and your face “out” in your community. The more people see you, the more they know, like and trust you. And people like to do business with those they know, like and trust.

2. Public speaking will lead you to become the “go to” expert on your business for your community. When you speak on a topic, you are automatically seen as the expert, with all the credibility that goes with it. The more you deliver your pitch, the more you’ll be known as the knowledgeable person to call with questions about your industry. You become the obvious choice as the person to hire to handle what people need in your area of ​​expertise.

3. Public speaking can give you immediate prospects and prospects. Typically, when I give my signature speech in my community, 90% to 100% of the audience signs up to receive more information from me. More leads equals more customers.

4. Public speaking can generate immediate sales. If you have a product or service that you can offer in the “back of the room” when you’ve finished your presentation, chances are some people will buy and become customers on the spot.

5. Public speaking will get you more public speaking gigs. It’s true. Almost every time I give a presentation, someone in the audience invites me to speak at another event, be it their business, an association they belong to, or a networking group. And of course, knowing all the benefits of public speaking to promote my business, I gladly accept invitations to give free talks.

Now that you know how you’ll make more money speaking pro bono, the next time someone asks you to speak for free, enthusiastically say “Yes!” Accept every opportunity to market your business by speaking in public.

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