Scoliosis Back Braces: Types and Uses

Scoliosis refers to an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. Scoliosis back braces are designed to prevent the scoliosis curve from progressing further. A medical brace for scoliosis is used to put pressure on the spine to slow or stop the progression from more than it already has.

What Is A Scoliosis Back Brace?

Scoliosis back brace is a stiff plastic jacket that patients wear around the torso, from underneath the arms down the hips. It is used to keep the spine in place and improve posture. Depending on the degree of curvature, a brace can be mild or severe. Your doctor might suggest you a Medicare brace for scoliosis based on the degree of curvature.

Types of Scoliosis Back Brace

There are various types of scoliosis braces available in the market. They vary in pressure and shape depending on the needs of the patients.

1. Milwaukee Brace

It is an original back brace designed for scoliosis. It’s quite rigid due to its metal superstructure. It’s quite visible when a patient wears it. However, due to its size, weight, and appearance, patients no longer prefer this type of brace.

2. Boston Brace

It is the most common type of scoliosis back brace prescribed by doctors today. Made up of hard but lightweight plastic, it fits like a jacket around your body. It’s a TLSO (a thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis) and customized to fit the body of the patient. It closes in the back so you might need someone’s help to fix it.

3. Wilmington Brace

This type is very similar to the Boston brace as it is made up of the same material. The only difference is that it closes at the front.

4. Charleston Bending Brace

It’s a TLSO and a nighttime brace. It’s custom-made scoliosis back brace that puts pressure on your spine, bending it past the midline. The correction of the curvature is only possible when you’re lying down.

How Back Braces Work For Scoliosis?

Scoliosis braces are used to apply corrective forces on the spine. They release pressure from the inner (concave) part of the curve and increase pressure on the outer (convex) part of the curve. The bone that faces more compression grows less while the bone that experiences distraction will grow more.

The idea behind the scoliosis brace is that it slows down the bone growth on the side of abnormal curvature while increasing growth on the other side.

How to Choose The Right Scoliosis Back Brace?

Before using a brace for scoliosis, it’s better to visit your healthcare provider. They will examine your condition and recommend the best medicare back braces for scoliosis.

However, remember that scoliosis back braces are only useful to slow down the curvature progression of the spine. These work only when your bones are growing and the curvature is still moderate. Once the bones are fully formed, these braces will not help to stop the curvature progression. These back braces are very useful for children who are experiencing scoliosis.

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