Lifestyle Fashion

So, is the last trimester of pregnancy beginning?

As practically everyone knows, a pregnant mother has to carry the baby for 9 months in her womb before it is born. This 9-month period is divided into 3-month tranches. Each 3-month period is known as a Quarter. The challenges facing the pregnant mother are different for each period. But the most challenging, by far, is the last quarter. The precautions and care taken by the pregnant mother during the last trimester contribute greatly to achieving a healthy delivery.

The last trimester and pregnancy can be exciting but challenging times for the expecting mother. The excitement of being so close to delivering a baby is combined with the physiological changes that accompany the growing baby in the mother’s womb.

Signs of the last trimester and pregnancy

Some symptoms are more critical to life than others. The symptoms observed during the last trimester are the following:

o Back pain: Babies grow more during the last trimester. To accommodate the growing baby, the hormones that support pregnancy relax the cervical bone. This creates a lot of pressure on a woman’s back, sometimes causing her to suffer from severe back pain. This is a normal symptom and can be reduced by applying a heating pad or ice pack to the area of ​​localized pain. A massage from your partner can also help.

o Swollen feet: It is quite natural for a woman to complain of swollen feet or ankles. The growth of the baby allows the diametrical growth of the uterus, which causes the blockage of the veins that return blood from the feet and legs. That being said, it is important for a woman to treat this symptom seriously as it could cause a blood clot.

Pregnant women can treat this symptom by applying ice packs to the swollen areas. A light massage on the swollen areas can also help alleviate this symptom.

o Difficulty breathing – Pregnant women often complain of huffing and puffing. This happens because the uterus expands below the diaphragm. This symptom shows signs of relief when the baby settles deep within the pelvis. In other cases, pregnant women can reduce the effects of symptoms by doing aerobic exercises (only if recommended by a certified physician).

o Superficial changes in the body – The last trimester and pregnancy brings with it some superficial changes in the body of the pregnant woman. These changes are not too critical for a woman’s life and are quite natural during pregnancy. Pregnant women often experience breast enlargement and stretch marks under the abdomen area. After a woman delivers the baby, these symptoms tend to lessen and eventually disappear.

The symptoms of the last trimester are something that every pregnant woman suffers in one way or another. None of these symptoms is so dangerous that it cannot be controlled. Pregnant women are advised to consult their physicians or healthcare providers to discover the best treatment for some of these symptoms.

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