
The Daylesford Accommodation Directory

One of Australia’s most popular destinations for a weekend getaway is Daylesford in Victoria. With the wide variety of property types and quality available, it can be difficult for tourists to find the right place. With this in mind, Great Oz Scapes, a weekend getaway specialist, has designed a simple online answer to this problem, called the Daylesford Accommodation Directory.

Daylesford is a delightful place to visit and has become one of Melbourne’s favorite places for a weekend getaway. But finding the right accommodation can be difficult as there is a wide range of properties on offer, with different standards and facilities. There is a wide range of people who also like to visit this area, from couples looking for a romantic getaway to groups of friends looking for a fun weekend. Many of the properties in Daylesford are also quite difficult to locate, as they are often one-bedroom cottages with owner-operators living off-site, with only mobile phone numbers as contacts.

With this in mind, Great Oz Scapes has launched a website dedicated to Daylesford. It’s called the Daylesford Accommodation Directory and it’s aimed squarely at helping confused people find the right place for their group. The directory is designed in a way that allows people to search through commonly used search terms, such as Daylesford Girls Weekend or Daylesford Dog Boarding, with the corresponding accommodation offering that best fits the term of search.

This means that web surfers do not need to go through individual properties to see if the property meets their needs, they simply click on the link that most closely matches their needs. Once they click on a link, additional information is available for the property and the special offer that their search would follow. For example, a person looking for a family group accommodation, the best search term would be Daylesford Family Accommodation. This link would go to a property called Willowbrook Cottages, with great 2 bedroom cabins, which have a room with a queen size bed and a room with 2 single beds and a fold out bed. The cabins have a small kitchen that allows cooking, which is a great option for people with hungry children. There is a tennis court, pool, and game room, as well as a wide variety of movies in the house, so the kids are busy and happy, allowing parents to unwind. The right property in one click!

Not only are featured properties presented in a way that makes it customer friendly, but they also include loads of extras like massages, dinners, and wine tastings, all included, so there’s no need for the user to have to search restaurants occupations. For example, if someone were looking for a superior property, Daylesford Luxury Accommodation would be the obvious choice. The link would take them to the Barcaldine House, which is a stunning property, with three luxurious bedrooms and views of its own vineyard and the forest beyond. The deal includes not only great accommodation rates, but also great breakfasts each morning, a delicious three-course dinner in one evening with a bottle of wine from the cellar, and a personal wine tasting with the cellar master.

The directory also provides additional information on property features such as number of rooms, standard, room facilities, and a map with directions. Pictures are rotated for easy viewing, giving an idea of ​​the property itself, as well as scenes from the Daylesford area.

Availability can be checked online, and package deals can be purchased online with one year to use most deals. With new properties constantly online, this site will become the best resource for Daylesford Accommodation on the web.

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