
Training tips for mice and rats

Mice and rats can be trained to do many tricks and rats can also be potty trained. Rats learn faster than mice that have the same intelligence as dogs. They are very food oriented and will soon learn to do something if they are offered food as a reward. Mice and rats can be trained to run through mini agility courses that you can make yourself out of driftwood.

I found a mouse circus business for sale on the internet once. It came with a travel van, all the gear including mini Ferris wheels, tunnels, climbing gear, lights, bells and of course 40 breeding mice! Can you imagine traveling from city to city like a real circus, only all your performers were the size of a walnut? My inner child was excited and I considered buying it for a spoiled second, but the adult in me reminded me that my partner would have killed me!

If you want to train your mouse or rat to run through a maze or obstacle course, teach it one piece of equipment at a time. Give him a treat when he completes it and then add another piece of gear and give him a treat when he completes the second. Eventually you can put all the pieces together and not deal after each one as the animal learns to complete the course. If you want to introduce bells or sounds, introduce them to your rat or mouse from a room or two away so as not to scare them away.

When I trained my pet store rat, I used broken up yogurt drops and a training clicker. I trained him to ride a remote control car. It was quite successful for a while until my border collie found it all too ‘interesting’. Clickers cost between $6 and $10. They are primarily used for training dogs and horses, but they work just as well on rats.

If you have a curious pet, you can reward his unusual behavior by giving him a treat each time he does so. The animal will soon learn to repeat the behavior for a treat. Shy mice and rats can be difficult to train, so it’s best to handle the animal for a while before purchasing.

Female rats are easier to potty train than males because males tend to mark new places with their urine (this includes anyone who picks them up). Mice cannot be potty trained, so be prepared for accidents. I have old t-shirts and sweaters that I wear when handling any of my animals just in case.

To potty train your rat, place a small tray in his cage with some bedding. Put some of their droppings on it. If you are familiar with clicker training you can also use this or you can praise your rat every time he approaches the tray.

Persevere with this type of training, as it can take a while for the rat to figure out what you want. Always reward and encourage, never punish or hit your pet as it will learn to distrust you and make training difficult. When you train any animal to go to the bathroom, the animal must be aware that it really has to “go.” This awareness can take a long time to develop, especially in young animals, so be patient.

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