
Washing your car: more than a bucket of foam

Your car is one of your most important purchases, after your house, and while washing it may seem pretty basic, there are some tips you should know to protect your investment.

Wash your car regularly, not just when you have visitors in town or when you plan to take your boss out to dinner. Keeping your car clean and free of dirt and debris will reduce rust and help keep your car’s value up.

clean the outside

Choose a soft automotive sponge and a sturdy bucket filled with cold water to tackle the car wash project, but steer clear of harsh cleaning solutions like dish soap or laundry soap that can damage your car’s finish. Better yet, invest in the myriad of high-quality car care products like car wash soap, tire repair, wheel cleaner, and other products designed to clean your leather or vinyl interior.

– Choose a shady place to wash your car, as direct sunlight can be absorbed by the finish of dark-colored cars and cause water spots.

– Start by soaking the car with cold water to remove excess dirt and debris from the finish.

– Rinse the wheel wells to remove any mud and grime that may have accumulated on the bodywork and may cause trapped moisture that leads to premature rust.

– Start at the top and work your way down the car.

– Use cold water as warm or hot water will remove applied car wax.

– Wash the tires as well as the wheels. Car wash soap and water will never harm a chrome or specialty wheel.

– Rinse off the soapy water and towel dry. I have found a nice old soft bath towel that does a wonderful job.

Special Note: The only thing that will remove tree sap from a car’s finish is cold water.

bumps and scratches

As soon as you notice a small dent or scratch in the paint, use a bead of touch-up paint. Touch-up paint will help prevent the stain from rusting. Larger dents, dings, and scratches should also be dealt with as quickly as possible to prevent rust.

Touch-up paint is available at most aftermarket auto supply stores, however, if you have a special color, check with your dealer. They should be able to order a tube for minimal cost.

lubricate the doors

Here’s a quick trick to get the squeak out of your car doors. Use fresh engine oil on the hood, tailgate, and door gaskets to keep them properly lubricated. Pour the oil on the bottom of the door and also run it between the layers of steel to prevent sticking and rust. Some have found that injecting the oil into door holes is also helpful, but keep it away from window tracks to prevent the oil from staining the glass.

For best results, use a can of motor oil pump that you can pick up at an auto parts store. However, avoid using old oil that contains acids that cause your car to rust.

Don’t forget the inside

You’ve heard the phrase “carry, carry” in connection with camping or picnicking in a state or national park, but many find that same philosophy helpful when it comes to keeping the interior of your car clean and clutter-free.

Here are some more tips for cleaning the interior of your vehicle:

– Be prepared with plastic trash bags in the glove box for trash and sealed organizer boxes for toys, tools and first aid supplies.

– Keep your carpet mats clean by covering them with inexpensive plastic mats that can be easily cleaned.

– Multitasking: When buying fuel is a good time to empty the trash from your car. Most gas stations have trash cans right next to the fuel pumps, so why not take advantage of them and get rid of any trash that has accumulated?

– Sweep the carpet and remove dust from the dashboard.

– Treat leather or vinyl with products designed for the task.

– A soft, damp cloth is a great tool to dust your dashboard without causing any damage.

cleaning upholstery stains

Before you can effectively clean a stain, you must first identify what it is. Tar and oil stains will require a solvent (petroleum) based cleaner. Dab some solvent on a cloth and rub lightly in fan circles until it disappears. Repeat if necessary.

Food, soft drink and other non-petroleum stains will respond best to a mild soap and water. I found an automotive product called Tuff Stuff that works great on everything from fabric to vinyl to carpet. However, it is not a solvent based product so it will not remove tar or oil stains.

Cleaning the windows

There’s nothing like looking through a clean windshield. Use a good glass cleaner and a soft cloth when washing the windows. Try this trick: wipe the inside of the windows with a horizontal motion and a vertical motion on the outside of the window. This way, if there is a streak, you can quickly identify which side of the window it is on.

Just in case

Always keep a pen and paper in your car in case you have an accident. Also, keep all your car documents in one folder for easy access. Most cell phones are equipped with cameras; however, if yours does not have one, keep a disposable camera on hand to take pictures of the accident scene for use with the police or your insurance company.

My car is TOO dirty – I don’t know where to start

If you have neglected to maintain your car, fear not. Invest in auto detailing for your car or truck. For a fee ranging from $75 to $150, they will clean your car like new and make it easier for you to maintain your vehicle in the future.

Once you’re back on track, simply continue with your normal washing, vacuuming, and dusting to keep your car in tip-top condition. A well-maintained car adds value when it comes time for resale.

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