
What is the true meaning of success?

People naturally link success with talent, money, power, charm, vitality… and that’s why we believe that successful people are those who are intelligent, rich, influential, sensual and vigorous. However, this is not always true.

There are two conditions that govern our lives; – At any given moment we are sharing or receiving. In fact, sharing, or in other words “giving away”, is our common mission in life. That is the reason for the many examples of those who gave their lives in the name of peace… to protect other people.

Unfortunately, a large number of people in this world strive to take and keep the few “coins” that others work so hard to earn. Furthermore, people everywhere are using their power to violate the basic rights of innocent children.

In order to receive, we first need to share. And here’s the best part: – Whatever we share today, comes back to us tomorrow in double, or even several times larger. By the way:

  • Those who teach are rewarded with knowledge,
  • Love unconditionally to make your life a beautiful journey,
  • Always act with humility and you will be even more influential,
  • Simplicity is what really attracts love and strong relationships.

We used to say; – “Someday I will have a lot of money to share with whoever needs it.” However, tomorrow may never come. – Share the few things you have now. Or, at least, if you don’t want to give away the fish, then teach others how to fish. Yes, we all have something special inside of us… our innate talents, our divine messages.

By the way, if you think you don’t have anything special to share, guess what? – You are a special person! Share exactly this with the world.

Success is waking up each morning and going through the day feeling happy and putting a smile on every face we interact with; Starting at home, going out, hugging our co-workers and spreading our positive thoughts to the whole world. Yes, the world really needs to absorb positive energy. It is everyone’s responsibility to spread happiness.

Success is smart work that allows you to save time to spend with your family. But success is also coming home every day feeling tired, but happy to have contributed to a more productive day, to the great performance of your team and your organization as a whole.

Success is having enough money to feed your family and help others. But success is also being short of money, knowing on the other hand that it is the result of every drop of sweat that runs down your face.

Success is also based on our humility to recognize that we are here to serve the World, not to be served by the World. It is our responsibility to contribute to a better future, raising responsible and self-confident children.

Success is knowing how to appreciate the success of others. Yes, there is no room for selfishness. When and where friendship really exists, the happiness of others is bound to make us happy too.

Success is being aware that we are here to succeed, and that it is the result of defeating failure. It is also important to know that success is not about being perfect. As I often say, those who are trying to be perfect are setting themselves up to fail.

Success is knowing that lack of success is not the reason we fail.

Success is not worrying about being successful. It happens naturally, and every person in this world is destined to be a success story.

Life is a “problem solving journey” towards success. It is destiny and the reward of honesty, hard work and perseverance.

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