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What to consider before taking colostrum

Colostrum is the crucial substance that a newborn mammal must receive from its mother in the first few days of life. There are so many important substances for the human body in colostrum and many people use it as a cornerstone for their health. The closest to human colostrum is bovine colostrum as it is not species specific. Although there are no proven side effects of the activity of colostrum in the human body, some people may experience some “slight” changes, depending on the amount of colostrum given and how the body responds. The main and first effect of Colostrum on the human body is to detoxify and cleanse the digestive system.

This is why you may experience some flu-like symptoms, but only temporarily, until the toxins are flushed out of your body. You may also experience some abdominal discomfort or diarrhea, especially if your colostrum intake is too high and too fast. If we use strict medical terms, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea are not side effects, but normal effects of the body getting rid of accumulated toxins. Still, it won’t hurt to consult a doctor before deciding to introduce Colostrum into your daily nutrition program. You may be allergic to milk and milk products, which means you’ll experience headaches, an upset stomach, or muscle aches. Hyperthyroid conditions can be made worse by consuming colostrum. There is no substantial evidence on this, but there are some patients suffering from hyperthyroid diseases, who stated that their disease worsened after consuming Colostrum. Consulting a doctor before taking Colostrum, in this case, is definitely very important. Also, if you have an injury or have been injured, you should lower your Colostrum intake until you are fully healed. You may experience more pain in the regions where you are injured while taking the colostrum.

All of these symptoms are rare and temporary in people who take colostrum. No studies have come of the side effects of this miracle substance. Special cases of pregnancy, lactation or medication require a visit to your doctor before consuming Colostrum. In these cases, it is normal to do it before taking any type of substance or medication.

If you make a wise choice when deciding where to get your colostrum, all should be well for your health. Many products on the natural health market are making promises upon promises, and most of them are nothing more than “regular milk”, or worse yet…milk treated with who knows what kinds of substances.

Real colostrum products must be processed from raw material harvested from cows within a maximum of 48 hours after birth. Our Surthrival Colostrum is harvested within 6 hours of the calf’s birth, and only after the newborn has received its share. The production process is carried out under the watchful eye of experienced people who take care of things like the bioactivity of the substances, which is crucial for the final product to have all the properties of colostrum.

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