Tours Travel

What to do when your boyfriend calls you ugly

One thing you should understand before I explain what to do when your boyfriend calls you ugly is this: Being called ugly by anyone – parents, family, friends, etc., is extremely painful. It is also absolutely false. Ugliness is only a perception and a point of view. It contains no truth in the eyes of the Source. People are free to have their opinion. But that doesn’t mean you have to agree with it. You were created perfect and with a purpose. Don’t let anyone convince you that you’re ugly unless you like to torture yourself.

The first thing to do when your boyfriend calls you ugly is to stop spending time with him and ask yourself: Why do I want to be with a man who doesn’t love and appreciate who I am? It is immensely important that you give yourself time to really think about this. And I want you to write your answer in a notebook or on a piece of paper. Here’s why…

When I first embarked on my journey of self-discovery, I was unaware of my insane thoughts. I believe that most of us were not taught to observe our thoughts because the people around us were unaware of their importance. However, our thoughts determine our actions at every moment of every day. That is why I urge you to experiment with writing down your thoughts. Give your thoughts a clear shape so you can see ‘who’ is living in your head.

Once you’ve written down your reasons for choosing to be with a man who calls you ugly, I want you to put them aside and take them out to read the next day. It’s good to step back a bit and go over old thoughts when you’re in a calm state of mind. When you do this, you may discover that what you have written does not make any sense (and yet it is what you have been believing). The good news is that once you are aware of your thoughts, you have the power to choose differently, make new decisions, and form new beliefs.

When you feel hurt or angry that your boyfriend calls you ugly, it is your emotional guidance system that lets you know that there is something important to notice here. Your emotions are the way your Wise Self communicates with you. It lets you know that something is wrong and that you have the power to change it. I strongly recommend that you find someone older and wiser than you who you feel you can trust for support on what to do next.

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