Lifestyle Fashion

You can give your whole body a facial with a body wrap

How much time do you spend making your face look young and attractive? Since we’re at it, how much money are you spending on the process? Do you thoroughly examine your face in the mirror each morning to determine if your regimen is working? Then you take the time to make sure your pores are properly open so they can be properly cleaned? Most of the people who are determined to have good looking skin follow all the above rules. They steam the face and then apply a cleanser designed to penetrate deep into the pores and remove toxins and oils. The next step is the mask, to remove impurities and close the pores. An astringent is then usually applied to close the pores and prevent new dirt from entering. Next comes the most important moisturizer, so wrinkles don’t stand a chance when they try to appear on your face.

That’s all for the good and it’s great that you take so long to make your face retain its glow. What about the rest of your skin? Those same people, who religiously follow a regimen to take care of their face, tend to neglect the rest of their bodies. The skin is the largest organ in the body and must be fully cared for. Those same practices that you apply to your face should also apply to your body.

Those people who have come to recognize this pleasure in body wraps. Body wraps are gaining popularity and for good reason. In the same way that toxins and dirt must be removed from the face at the pore level, they must also be removed from the body at the pore level.

When you receive a body wrap, you may be interested to see how much it looks like a facial. First you have to open the pores so that they are cleaned well. To achieve this, the clinician will place a cream or oil on your skin, depending on the type of wrap you want. You can get a wrap designed to energize you, a wrap designed to deep cleanse, or a wrap designed to exfoliate and remove dead skin. For a deep cleaning, many doctors apply a form of mud or clay to remove impurities from the skin. They then wrap it in a warm blanket to aid in the process. The warmth of the blanket combined with the mud or whatever they choose to use will cleanse the skin at the pore level and restore its youthful appearance.

After the wrap, you may be taken into a warm bath, where you can soak in the tub and wash off any mud or oils. This is truly a luxury that everyone can use. Even if you already have the skin of a movie star, nothing beats the feeling of being wrapped in a warm blanket and having someone take the time to make you look and feel your best.

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