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Zeolite for Moms and Babies

Breastfeeding or expecting moms should be the first people to depend on zeolite.

Babies often have toxic loads at birth that can go beyond the toxic loads accumulated over a lifetime of an adult from a previous generation. The way that toxins reach the body of a newborn is through the mother’s body and the placenta. Poisonous stress affecting the baby, combined with the dangerous harmful toxins in injections, is what many scientists now name as the true cause of autism in children.

In case you are a nursing mother or a mother-to-be, we recommend that you definitely eliminate the dangerous harmful toxins from the body, to make sure that you can protect your son or daughter, as most of the harmful toxins will definitely be gone. pass into the fetus when it is in the womb. Also, toxins and poisons can easily pass to your nursing baby through breast milk.

Zeolite is an incredibly risk-free detoxification method. Consuming liquid zeolite is a safe form of detoxification for mothers, as liquid zeolite will not separate storage places for contaminants (so it could secrete many dangerous toxins at the same time).

Moms need to be very conscious of how they choose to detoxify their systems.

Zeolite is, in fact, an undeniably safe detox option for mothers…unlike detox methods that “open up” contaminant storage sites in tissues, leading to the massive release of harmful toxins into the body. the system. For example:

* Pregnant or nursing moms should not go on saunas or “detox diets” as they could cause harmful toxins to be released rapidly into the bloodstream. When numerous harmful toxins enter the bloodstream at the same time, the elimination systems in the body can easily function beyond capacity. This can lead to enormous amounts of poison entering the fetus or infant.

* However, the zeolite remains safe and sound because it does not activate dangerous toxins, but essentially traps any poisons that are moving in the bloodstream, and then carries them safely away from the body.

Note that anyone undergoing a cleansing program that places harmful toxins rapidly into the bloodstream (for example, infrared or fasting sauna) would be wise to consume Zeolite at the same time each day, to flush out the poisons released by that Program. .

You will discover that there are many dangerous harmful toxins in the atmosphere, drinking water and also. These types of harmful toxins hinder intracellular connection and also damage cells.

If an individual reaches that tolerance where the body can no longer cope with the poisonous load, the next thing that will happen is that the person’s health will begin to weaken. Little by little, the zeolite gets rid of harmful toxins, strengthening the body’s ability to deal with all threats. It is not easy to take good care of our health; in fact, it is yet another concern to be added to our hectic everyday lifestyle. But, if we are not paying attention to our own health, no one will do it for us and we will end up worrying about treatments and not about the important things in life.

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