Lifestyle Fashion

20 simple ways to conserve water

It can be all too easy for us to ignore how much water we as humans actually use on a day to day basis. It’s time to stop ignoring the growing need to conserve water. Taking the time to learn how you can do your part to save water can go a long way in improving your overall quality of life, as well as help save the planet. Here are 20 ways to conserve water that you can start implementing today.

1. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Simply doing this every time you brush your teeth can save you gallons of water each month.

2. If you water your lawn, try to establish a morning watering routine. Getting up earlier than usual to water the lawn is not the most glamorous idea, especially for those of us who are extremely busy. But watering in the morning will prevent the lawn from losing water due to evaporation. It can also promote general productivity for the rest of the day.

3. Fix leaky faucets and pipes throughout your home. Take one day out of every month to inspect all the pipes in your home. It should only take about 5-10 minutes out of your day, and this not only saves water, but also helps prevent your home from undetected water damage.

4. Getting out of the shower 1-3 minutes earlier than usual is something each and every one of us should be doing. How many times do we stand under the shower head letting the water flow over us, or just watch it go down the drain as we wash/condition our hair? While sometimes an extra-long shower is a necessary part of the day, you don’t need to do this with every shower. Being aware of the individual roles we all play in daily water use, as well as taking small steps to reduce water use, is critical to preserving this valuable resource.

5. Hosing down the patio or spraying down the walkway may seem like the most efficient way to clean, but instead of wasting water to spray these surfaces, use a broom to sweep up debris first.

6. If you have a pool, avoid decorations like fountains or sprinklers. The process of water flowing through the air speeds up the evaporation process. This will result in an unnecessary waste of resources.

7. Did you know that it takes about thirteen gallons of water to create a single gallon of gasoline? Taking shortcuts when possible, biking to work, carpooling, and having a nice night out are all ways you can save water by reducing the amount of gas you use.

8. Instead of rinsing fruits and vegetables under running water, fill a clean pot or mixing bowl with fresh water and rinse that way.

9. An inexpensive way to reuse water is to water houseplants or even your lawn with the same water you used to rinse your fruits and vegetables. This eliminates waste and benefits you, your lawn, and the environment.

10. Instead of running the sink/shower while you shave, fill a large cup or bowl with cold water and shave that way. This helps save water and time!

11. Instead of filling a mop bucket with hot water and mopping chemicals, fill an empty spray bottle with white vinegar and use it as a multi-surface cleaner. This is a completely natural way to deep clean your home without using as much excess water. (And don’t worry, the smell dissipates very quickly.)

12. If you’re renovating your home, consider installing shower heads and sink faucets made to conserve water. These specially made faucets will eliminate wasted water and extra work for you in the long run.

13. Two ways we waste water occur when we run water to heat it. Leaving the bathroom with the shower running, waiting for it to reach the desired temperature, or waiting to cover the bathtub until the water is hot is a great unnecessary waste. Consider insulating your home’s pipes to combat this common problem.

14. When making tea or coffee, do not make a whole pot if you only intend to drink one cup.

15. Instead of using running water to thaw frozen foods, take them out of the freezer a few hours ahead of time or use the microwave to thaw them.

16. Never start a load of laundry if it is not a full load. Washing partial loads wastes energy and water. Also, opt for cold water to save even more.

17. When washing dishes by hand, fill the sink halfway with warm water, then turn off the water. Warm water may not be ideal for those of us who are used to washing dishes in hot water, but it works great. Plus, you don’t have to completely fill the sink with water, even if you have more dishes to wash than usual.

18. Cover the areas surrounding your plants/garden to help the plants retain water.

19. Avoid completely filling pots/pans with water when cooking; instead, just fill the pot with the required amount of water.

20. Replace outside hoses every few months to ensure they are in good working order. A shriveled water hose can cause tiny, unnoticeable leaks and fluctuations in water pressure that lead to waste.

Water is a precious resource that is used today. Conserving water and helping to maintain a healthy and safe environment should not be optional. Each and every one of us should do what we can to help prolong the life of our beautiful planet. Let these 20 small ideas inspire creative changes in the way you work to help save the planet.

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