Lifestyle Fashion

A Simple Solution For Hair Loss: Chasteberry (Agnus-Castus) – Will It Work For You?

Agnus Castus, a ‘mild’ herb, has long been used effectively as a hormone regulator, against acne, for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), hormone-based infertility, menstrual disorders, and even menopausal and pre-menopausal problems. In short, Vitex is known to work effectively against a host of hormonal imbalances and health issues.

Although I could write about how Agnus Castus Vitex can work really well against acne as it is often a hormone based skin problem, in this article I am concentrating on how this natural supplement can help against hair loss. The type of hair loss I am referring to here, the type that Agnus Castus can treat, is hormone-based hair loss commonly known as androgenetic alopecia – this is where the hormone testosterone is converted to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the scalp. scalp and skin; The DHT then binds to the receptors on the hair follicles, weakening them until the hair falls out. It is the most common form of hair loss and affects both men and women. Agnus Castus affects the pituitary gland (the “master” gland of the endocrine system) and helps it regulate the production of certain hormones, resulting in a change in the estrogen-progesterone ratio, increasing progesterone, a hormone (and factor) very important in the most common form of thinning hair. Why is progesterone important against scalp hair loss? Because, simply put, the progesterone in the scalp binds to the hair follicles, thereby preventing DHT from binding to them.

Vitex’s ability to reduce prolactin levels (or rather, to decrease prolactin secretion from the pituitary gland) also affects hair loss. Excessive levels of prolactin in your body (which can be due to stress, for example) lead to a number of health problems, including loss of libido, hirsutism, weight gain, and thinning hair. If you are a woman and believe that your (scalp) hair loss is related to a number of hormonal issues, such as acne, irregular periods or ovarian cysts, PMS, excessive body hair (hirsutism), early menopause (and etc.) , taking adequate amounts of Agnus Castus can be of great help against thinning hair (of the scalp). If you suspect your prolactin levels are high, even slightly, you may want to have a blood test. My levels were almost normal, almost marginally higher than normal: however, by taking Vitex, I solved my hair problem and, significantly, I no longer have the great difficulty losing weight that I used to have! This for me was a ‘bonus’ result.

Make sure the doses are adequate and not too low, otherwise it won’t affect prolactin levels enough to make a change. I took 4 pills a day of 80g each until I started noticing significant results, and then continued taking a similar amount; that was my choice after long research. However, I recommend that you do your own research and consult your doctor before taking Vitex, especially since it can interact with certain medications; also because, as a general rule, before starting any supplement (regardless of how safe it is), it’s always best to discuss it with your doctor. The more you know about Vitex Agnus Castus, the better you can use it to prevent scalp hair from falling out.

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