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Affiliate Elite Review – Is Brad Callen’s Affiliate Elite a Scam?

Affiliate Elite software can be used by many affiliate internet marketers who have been doing affiliate marketing. It was developed by Brad Callen, who also created other SEO software like SEO elite and Keyword Elite, both of which are good keyword tools used by many internet marketers.

So is Affiliate Elite good?

Affiliate Elite claims to be able to help affiliate marketers make more money by managing and analyzing keywords for both SEO and AdWords purposes. Although online affiliate marketing has gotten much more difficult over the years, it still has the potential to make you a lot of money online.

Some of the features included in Affiliate Elite include the ability to locate profitable keywords. It also allows you to perform reverse Google searches, analyze AdWords keywords, and locate super affiliates.

It also allows you to spy on your competitors’ ads on AdWords, right down to the keyword and landing page used over a period of time.

Affiliate Elite also imports entire categories of products from Clickbank and Paydotcom and analyzes them to determine trends and provide recommendations on which product to promote and which to avoid.

This will give you a good view of all the high-profit keywords on someone’s website. When you have finally managed to see all the marketing strategy and copywriting of your direct competitors, you will surely find your way to great income.

Also, if you want to promote your own product, you can simply search and search for other affiliate marketers who have been promoting the same product as yours. And you can make use of the Affiliate Elite software to promote your own product by locating the super affiliate and maybe doing a joint venture.

Although it is possible to do everything that Affiliate Elite does manually, it will take a long time. What the software does is allow you to focus on marketing your product or promoting an affiliate product instead of getting bogged down in keyword selection, analysis and research.

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