a childhood game

In the morning, before the sun came up, a group of Nigerian-Igbo boys and girls, ages four to six, would gather in the front yard of the family home and use a dry twig to scratch a grid of columns and rows within a six foot square area on sandy earthy soil. Then we would take turns and line up […]

The sport of mountain biking

The sport of mountain biking is one of the best active sports you can do for various fitness reasons, and depending on the style of mountain biking you do, it can also be a lot of fun as well as keep you fit at the same time. Same time. People are usually unaware of how many muscles you use when […]

Plyometric exercises: is it safe for children?

With youth sports becoming more competitive, training methods for young athletes are also becoming more advanced. One type of training that your child may encounter is called plyometrics. However, there has been some debate as to whether or not plyometrics is safe, not only for children, but also for athletes in general. People in the field of exercise science point […]

What diet is good for a marathon?

Nutrition is often an overlooked element of marathon training. The right nutrition plan will make those long training runs look so much easier! Food is your source of energy. All foods are made up of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber. Carbohydrates are linked to energy production, complete proteins are linked to tissue repair and building, fat provides fuel for the […]

5 quick and easy tips to lose weight

Are you looking for weight loss tips to help you lose weight fast or weight loss tips that will keep it off forever? There is a big difference. It is tempting to opt for the first type of tip. Looking for shortcuts and quick results is just a part of human nature. The problem is that you will be back […]