The unofficial protocol diet

Protocel is a non-toxic alternative cancer treatment. It works a little differently than other alternative treatments in that it doesn’t work by trying to strengthen the immune system so that your natural immune system can fight the cancer. Protocel works directly on cancer cells by depriving them of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is how both healthy and cancer cells get […]

Lung cancerous tumor encounter

Finding difficulty in breathing. Coughing incessantly, even blood. I finally went to an ER at our hospital, the nurse said I should go to my own doctor. I replied that my doctor had retired and there was a 2 year waiting list for a new doctor in Muskoka. Being a Christian, I cried out to the Lord to help me. […]

3 Helpful Pregnancy Tips for New Moms

It’s easy to feel scared and excited at the same time when you’re pregnant for the first time. You have a lot ahead of you and a lot to learn, and it doesn’t help that your sources are saying a million different things about what to do and what not to do while you wait for the little one to […]

Will coffee boost your metabolism?

For years, coffee has been used by athletes and ordinary people to increase performance and improve resistance to fatigue. But will coffee speed up your metabolism? The answer is positive, and this effect is produced by several mechanisms. There is a logic behind the inclusion of caffeine in many popular fat loss supplements. Caffeine increases the rate at which you […]

How to burn belly fat first!

For years and years we have all been told that spot reduction is not possible. However, recent research could be telling us something different. As a body transformation trainer, one of the number one areas that people want to ‘lose’ is their stomach. However, the problem is that most of those people are trying to get rid of belly fat […]

Burning Desire: Do you want to lose 5 pounds of fat quickly without starving yourself?

Jumpstart your metabolism with the following eating plan: Torn. Cutting up. Trituration. All different labels to describe the ultimate goal of the bodybuilder: dispatch unwanted body fat accumulation while keeping hard-earned muscle mass right where it is. Although the oft-prescribed method of eating fewer calories each day while burning extra calories through exercise is certainly the foundation on which a […]

HGH Weight Loss – Lose Weight With HGH

HGH stands for Human Growth Hormone and is now being hailed as the ultimate anti-aging solution. Its use is recommended to restore youth and reverse the effects of age. Although it is absurd to say that anything can make you young again, what can be said from the correct perspective is that HGH can reverse the effects of age to […]