3 easy steps to lose weight fast

If you don’t have strong willpower, then hunger will make you give up on these plans altogether. The 3-step plan I’m going to outline for you will be … • Reduce your appetite quite significantly • Allows you to lose weight quickly without leaving you hungry • Improve your metabolic health at the same time All of these methods are […]

The body: a vital part of language

As linguists, we often talk about languages, how to learn them, tricks to retain them, and the culture that connects them, all in an effort to master them. However, the interconnected web of language and communication is never complete without body language. That’s right, effective use of body language plays a key role in communication. And interpretations vary from country […]

Cake Baking Basics: Formulas and Measurements

FORMULAS AND MEASUREMENT Bakers generally talk about formulas rather than recipes. If this sounds more like a chemistry lab than a food production facility, it’s for good reason. The bakery is very much like a chemistry laboratory, both in the scientific precision of the procedures and in the complex reactions that take place during mixing and baking. MEASUREMENT Ingredients are […]

Health hazards of mercury

Many of my patients love fish as I do. It’s a good source of protein, heart-healthy omega-3 fats, and delicious! Living in an area surrounded by water, fresh fish is abundant. However, I would like to share with you an important trap of eating fish too often: mercury (Hg) levels. So far, no cases of mercury poisoning from eating fish […]

Safety Considerations for Plyometric Workouts

Plyometrics are explosive movements that use strength and speed to develop power. Imagine Coby Bryant or Michael Jordan jumping for a dunk, plyometric training, at least in part, makes that possible. Since they are high-impact and explosive, they have their own “brand”, so to speak, of training safety mandates. After all, you are hitting your upper and lower body. Unlike […]

Understanding proteins and their importance

The word “Protein” comes from the Greek work “Protos” which means “Of primary importance”. Protein is the main component of the human body, if you were to compare your body to a building, protein would be the raw material. Like fats and carbohydrates, proteins are made up of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. The real difference between protein and the other […]

Exceed calories with a smart diet

How important is your diet to lose weight? Your diet is the cornerstone of your quest for weight loss. You shouldn’t rely solely on exercise when it comes to burning fat because it’s your diet that has the biggest impact on your weight. Certified fitness trainers, despite the nature of their work, agree that exercise only represents 15% to 20% […]

The ketogenic diet: the best diet to lose fat

The ketogenic diet. What is the ketogenic diet? In simple terms, it’s when you trick your body into using your own BODY FAT as its main source of energy instead of carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet is a very popular method to lose fat quickly and efficiently. The science behind In order for your body to enter a ketogenic state, you […]