5 Smart Training Tips for Beginners

We asked our fitness experts to come up with a compact list of do’s and don’ts for all beginners to follow. So to those of you who have made the healthy decision to get off the couch and start exercising, we say Bravo! You have taken the first step towards a healthier mind, body and spirit. A series of questions, […]

The Endurance E4 elliptical trainer for beginners

If you are looking for an elliptical trainer that can better assist you in training at home, check out the Endurance E4 Elliptical Trainer designed and manufactured by Body Solid, a leader in the fitness industry. Although this machine is designed for home use, it comes with features that make it the equivalent of a commercial grade elliptical trainer but […]

Choosing Whole Grains Over Refined Grains

A whole grain is a grain that consists of all the original components that were present when it was grown in the field. Refined grains, on the other hand, have had some of the components removed to give them a better texture and longer shelf life. These refined grains are used more often and find their way into our diets […]

How to act consistently and lose weight

If you want to lose weight consistently, you need to act consistently. Extraordinary results require extraordinary effort. Talking and planning is not enough to progress on most tasks. This will include losing weight. Don’t waste your time dreaming or planning how you would lose weight after the holidays or next year. Today is a great time to start losing weight, […]

Tips for finding the right gym for you

If you want to keep your body fit and healthy, you need to find a gym that will not only keep you in shape but also make you feel more comfortable and motivated than before. Have you decided to stay in shape this year and build a unique personality that will be praised by all? If yes, then you should […]

3 Bellerina Tea – Eat what you love and lose

If you want to lose weight in the long term, you should forget about the outdated and ironclad dietary rules. Experts now say there’s no point in trying to make drastic changes to your diet that you couldn’t keep up with. Highly restrictive menu plans are hard to stick to. Instead, you should learn how to fit a reasonable portion […]