Tattoo removal with salabrasion, painful but good, if you have a high pain threshold!

Do you have a high pain threshold? Salabrasion Tatu Removal For Those With A High Pain Threshold! And, here’s why. Salabrasion tattoo removal procedures are one of the most effective, albeit extremely painful, ways to remove unwanted tattoos. This process is quite simple and can even be done at home. The cost is also within the budget, but the process […]

Celery for excessive sweating

If you are currently experiencing a problem with your body related to excessive sweat production during normal daytime activity, such as sitting at your desk, you may have a serious medical condition known as hyperhidrosis. As technical as the term sounds, it’s basically a way of saying that your body is producing a lot of sweat for various reasons, depending […]

My opinion on cardio

My personal beliefs in cardio are very varied. I find that cardio does many different things to my body; some affect me well and others don’t affect me as much. I will share with you my personal experience with cardio. First of all, you better explain what cardio is. Cardio in my books is any activity that lasts for a […]

The narcissistic family is a cult

People associate cults with religious groups more than with family. A parent with a narcissistic disorder is a self-absorbed, manipulative, and compulsive relationship. His despotic and totalitarian personality creates havoc and toxic dynamics in family structures. Children are the weakest point of the narcissist since he has absolute power over his members. Children do not have the right to feel, […]

Dark Green Colored Contacts

Dark Green Getting dark green colored contact lenses can be a great way to enhance your natural beauty. The color is one of the best eye colors, and can help you to look more beautiful from every angle. It is also a color that represents nature, growth and renewal. You can use these lenses to enhance your beauty without damaging […]

Amazing ways to nourish your skin

Having a nourished skin is a great challenge, especially during the winter, when the pores of the skin freeze, causing poor circulation. Your face and hands are affected the most because they are the most exposed parts of your body. When your skin pores are frozen, moisture will not reach the deep layers and this will lead to dehydrated skin. […]

The power of effective listening

Do people really listen more? Being an effective listener can be one of the most powerful skills you can have in life. I have found empathic listening to be an invaluable tool in my coaching practice. My clients not only feel listened to and validated, but they also discover that when they apply this skill in their daily lives, it […]

The best 2009 of all time

Are you ready to have the best 2009 ever? If you are ready for a bright new year, now is the time to define your goals. Get ready to start a fantastic journey where every day you can put all your energy into improving yourself by 1 percent. If you really practice this habit, you can improve by 365 percent […]