How chili peppers can reduce acne scars

I was surprised to find out recently that almost 60 million Americans suffer from acne and that 1/3 of these cases, or 20 million people end up with scarring due to the condition. The good news is that there are now many safe and natural products that reduce acne scars, including an amazing new treatment based on, among other things, […]

Cure prostate cancer naturally – Foods against cancer

From a Western nutritional perspective, we know that including plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats help support our overall health, improve cardiovascular health, and build strong immune systems. A Chinese nutritional perspective embraces these ideals and expands the role of food as medicine by recognizing that certain types of food have specific resonances with the energies […]

A Simple Solution For Hair Loss: Chasteberry (Agnus-Castus) – Will It Work For You?

Agnus Castus, a ‘mild’ herb, has long been used effectively as a hormone regulator, against acne, for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), hormone-based infertility, menstrual disorders, and even menopausal and pre-menopausal problems. In short, Vitex is known to work effectively against a host of hormonal imbalances and health issues. Although I could write about how Agnus Castus Vitex can work really […]