Dental phobia versus dental fear

Fear of going to the dentist, more common than many of us believe, affects between 9% and 15% of Richmond dental patients. In fact, many claim that they avoid visiting the dentist because of this fear or anxiety. They often exaggerate their concerns through a feeling of anxiety about an upcoming visit to the dentist. Richmond cosmetic dentistry professionals believe […]

$ 10 lunch at Anthony’s Runway 84

I recently had lunch at Anthony’s Runway 84 in Fort Lauderdale and reviewed this $ 10 deal. I invited a girlfriend to lunch with me and she helped me on this mission of measuring the $ 10 truth and comfort level at Anthony’s Runway 84 for two women they will have lunch. I’m here to tell you that the $ […]

5 interesting facts about the SR-71 Blackbird

The SR-71 Blackbird is a very, very unique aircraft. It was an airplane that was ahead of its time. It was a stealth aircraft, before the concept of stealth aircraft existed. Here are three very cool things I have learned about the SR-71. It leaked fuel when it was on the ground. The aircraft was built so that when flying […]

Are medical bills a reason to file for bankruptcy?

Who do you think files for bankruptcy? Why do you think people file bankruptcy? These questions may seem easy to answer on the surface, however if we look closer we can see that there is no reason why someone would file for bankruptcy. Let’s take a look at an average family who lives within their means and does “everything right.” […]

Land Profit Generator Review

Jack Bosch has changed the name of his successful Land Profit Formula course to Land Profit Generator. Besides the catchy new name, what’s new and is the show worth getting? Find out in this short review. The LPF Home Study Course was first launched in September 2008 and was a landmark launch for any real estate information product. One of […]